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Duplicating Installation Floppies

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Jul 21, 2000
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Please provide assistance on how to make backup copies of installation diskettes. I have been unable to use doscp as it does not exist on my system. I am mainly looking for a command or by using FileManager within CDE environment.<br>Thank You in advance,<br>Bob
Is this UnixWare 7.x ?<br><br>If so, dos command support is no longer included by default.&nbsp;&nbsp;They do provide a package called &quot;mtools&quot; on the Skunkware CD (or via download from SCO)to give you back the DOS commands your used to using with OpenServer, etc.<br><br>However, doscp is not the preferred method for creating installation floppies, or copies of them.<br><br>The CD-ROM is bootable (but you usually need to update the boot sequence in CMOS setup to make your system look for a bootable CD-ROM)and will install without the floppies.&nbsp;&nbsp;But if you want new installation floppies, SCO provides disk images of the installation diskettes on the CD-ROM.&nbsp;&nbsp;Log on as root, mount the CD-ROM, cd to xxx/info/images (where xxx is your mount point), insert a blank floppy, If necessary, format it with format -V /dev/rdsk/f03ht), then enter the command dd if=image of=/dev/rdsk/f0t bs=32b where image is actually the name of the image file you want on the diskette, in your case boot.image.C1 and boot.image.C2<br><br>You can do this from Windows to, but only with a program called DD.EXE, or RAWRITE.EXE (available freely from multiple sources on the web).<br><br>To create a copy of an existing diskette, again the target diskette must be formatted (see above), then you can use the dd command to do so, although I recommend using the method described above. <p>Tom Whitehead<br><a href=mailto:twhitehead@commeq.com>twhitehead@commeq.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
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