I have a crystel report 9 which collects all the merchandise details for all the physical units packed within a shipping carton. There are several hundred cartons and they represent orders for customers. I have a unique identified that highlights the carton/order which is represents a gift. For each carton/order which is a gift I wrote a forumla that would display carton comments just for the gift carton/order. Here is what I am attempting to resolve:
Carton A is a Gift and has 3 unique merchandise items therefore there are 3 lines for this carton on my report. The comment is "1 gift box" but the comment appears for each of the 3 lines and I would only like it to display for the first line within the carton. Is there a way to indicated if a field value does not equal the next field value then print else surpress?
I would appreciate any help.
Carton A is a Gift and has 3 unique merchandise items therefore there are 3 lines for this carton on my report. The comment is "1 gift box" but the comment appears for each of the 3 lines and I would only like it to display for the first line within the carton. Is there a way to indicated if a field value does not equal the next field value then print else surpress?
I would appreciate any help.