I have this query:
ListQuery(35) = "Select transactions.id, transactions.transdate, journaltranstypes.transtype, transactions.description, transactions.refno, paidforvotes.votename as paidforvotename, amountdt, vatondt, format(vatamountdt,'currency'), paidbyvotes.votename as paidbyvotename, amountcr, vatoncr, format(vatamountcr,'currency'), tasks.taskname, transactions.reconciled, transactions.enteredby from (((Transactions LEFT JOIN Votes as paidforvotes ON Transactions.paidfor=paidforVotes.voteno) LEFT JOIN Votes as paidbyvotes ON Transactions.paidby=paidbyVotes.voteno) LEFT JOIN journaltranstypes on transactions.transtype=journaltranstypes.id) left join tasks on tasks.id=transactions.taskno"
There are only three entries in the database but I get 5 records, some of them with duplicate ID numbers.
My Access ID is a long number which is the key and there are no duplicate records in the database.
Can someone please help.
Many thanks
ListQuery(35) = "Select transactions.id, transactions.transdate, journaltranstypes.transtype, transactions.description, transactions.refno, paidforvotes.votename as paidforvotename, amountdt, vatondt, format(vatamountdt,'currency'), paidbyvotes.votename as paidbyvotename, amountcr, vatoncr, format(vatamountcr,'currency'), tasks.taskname, transactions.reconciled, transactions.enteredby from (((Transactions LEFT JOIN Votes as paidforvotes ON Transactions.paidfor=paidforVotes.voteno) LEFT JOIN Votes as paidbyvotes ON Transactions.paidby=paidbyVotes.voteno) LEFT JOIN journaltranstypes on transactions.transtype=journaltranstypes.id) left join tasks on tasks.id=transactions.taskno"
There are only three entries in the database but I get 5 records, some of them with duplicate ID numbers.
My Access ID is a long number which is the key and there are no duplicate records in the database.
Can someone please help.
Many thanks