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duplexing your hard drive

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Mar 30, 2000
Hi <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have recently tried to backup the entire content on my harddrive to a second Harddrive. I tried it in msdos mode and xcopyed the entire disk all files hidden too. When I tried to boot from the new drive it wouldn't boot.
hmmm...<br><br>try erasing the disk, and loading windows on it, and then back up ur other hard drive onto it again.<br><br>another more complex, and possably less reliable solution:<br><br>I think that your problem is that the drive is not set up to be booted from. Check on the back of the drive it self, and check to see if there is a jumper that has to do with the primary master, secondary master, cable select, that type of thing. if there is, make sure it is set to cable select. then make sure that your BIOS is also set to auto detect the primary master.<br><br><br><br>hope this helps <p>theEclipse<br><a href=mailto:eclipse_web@hotmail.com>eclipse_web@hotmail.com</a><br><a href=robacarp.webjump.com>robacarp.webjump.com</a><br>**-Trying to build a documentation of a Javascript DOM, crossbrowser, of course. E-mail me if you know of any little known events and/or methods, etc.
I assume you want to make a &quot;full&quot; copy of you Win95/98 HD for backup purposes.&nbsp;&nbsp;There are numerous ways to do so and some are faster than others.&nbsp;&nbsp;I would suggest using Ghost or Drive Image if possible.&nbsp;&nbsp;Both can work through DOS and each provide reliable backups which can be quickly restored.<br><br>Here are instructions the I used many times before Ghost or Drive Image were available.&nbsp;&nbsp;This works just as good but slower...<br><br>1) Attach your second HD.&nbsp;&nbsp;It won't matter if it's Primary Slave or Secondary Master/Slave.<br>2) Make sure the second HD is FDisk'd and ready to accept formating.&nbsp;&nbsp;(If it is already formated, you can skip this step)<br>3) Boot into Win95/98<br>4) Enter Windows Explorer and right-click and format drive D: (assuming D: is your target drive). Skip this step if it's formated.<br>5)&nbsp;&nbsp;**Verify that the folder options are set to &quot;Show all Files&quot;<br>6) Create a folder called D:\WINDOWS.<br>7) Select all files and folders in C:\WINDOWS EXCEPT WIN386.SWP and copy them over to D:\WINDOWS <br>8) Run the Command prompt, execute SYS D:, and exit the DOS session.<br>9) In Windows Explorer, click on the ROOT of C: and select all files and folders EXCEPT:&nbsp;&nbsp;C:\WINDOWS, COMMAND.COM, IO.SYS, DRVSPACE.BIN and copy them to the ROOT of D:.&nbsp;&nbsp;When prompted to overwrite MSDOS.SYS, select OK/YES.<br>10) After everything is copied over to D:, down the system and reconfigure the backup drive as Primary Master.<br>11)&nbsp;&nbsp;Boot the computer with a bootable floppy that contains FDISK.<br>12)&nbsp;&nbsp;Run FDISK and set the backup drive's primary boot partition to &quot;Active&quot; if it isn't already.<br>13)&nbsp;&nbsp;Reboot the system without the floppy, you should now have a full bootable backup of your original drive.<br><br>14) I would suggest you purchase Ghost or Drive Image.&nbsp;&nbsp;It's sooo much easier!<br><br>Good luck!<br><br>
If none of the other suggestions have helped up to now, what error message are you getting when you try and boot?&nbsp;&nbsp;When you said to xcopied everything, on the new disk, is the soon to be new C: partition set as &quot;active&quot; in fdisk?&nbsp;&nbsp;Once everything is copied over and the original drive is removed, does the system recognize the hard drive that is in there?<br>
Ever tried a disk utility like Norton Ghost, etc<br>(far as partitions goes Partition Magic 5 is good, can do alot of things you cant do in fdisk, and looks nicer) <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.8m.com>kb244@kb244.8m.com</a><br><a href= </a><br>Experienced in , or have messed with : VC++, Borland C++ Builder, VJ++6(starting),VB-Dos, VB1 thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, Borland C++ 3(DOS), Borland C++ 4.5, HTML, ASP(somewhat), QBasic(least i didnt start with COBOL)
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