Had a simple task to do for a relative, which was to scan an old photo, make some minor repairs to the image, print it; & have it framed.
It was kinda' small, so I didn't notice at first...but when I scanned it in & checked it out on my monitor in Photoshop, the subject had green hair (the photo was shot at some event; & I guess the DJ had weird lighting going on...I don't know.)
All other aspects of the photo are otherwise normal. So my question is: Is there any way to adjust only the affected areas. Is there some way to isolate only the hair on the subject, so as to correct the tint?
Had a simple task to do for a relative, which was to scan an old photo, make some minor repairs to the image, print it; & have it framed.
It was kinda' small, so I didn't notice at first...but when I scanned it in & checked it out on my monitor in Photoshop, the subject had green hair (the photo was shot at some event; & I guess the DJ had weird lighting going on...I don't know.)
All other aspects of the photo are otherwise normal. So my question is: Is there any way to adjust only the affected areas. Is there some way to isolate only the hair on the subject, so as to correct the tint?