Yesterday as I was shutting down my pc, the task manager informed me that the process called "Mrs Do says Bippy is a nice girl" was waiting to close.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! says I, I've got a virus.
Well, as it transpires, this is in fact part of gbTask.exe, which is a portion of the NTL dialup program.
Has anyone else encountered such a weird caption in a Windoze program?
I presume that it's an attempt at humour by some benighted soul somewhere.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! says I, I've got a virus.
Well, as it transpires, this is in fact part of gbTask.exe, which is a portion of the NTL dialup program.
Has anyone else encountered such a weird caption in a Windoze program?
I presume that it's an attempt at humour by some benighted soul somewhere.