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Dual NICs, should resolve to one IP

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Technical User
Jul 28, 2002
Hi Folks,

I have a query, I havea server with name "vertex". The domain is "resource.com". My server vertex has two NICs. One is Global IP and other is Local IP.

Now when i ping either vertex or vertex.resource.com on the server vertex it should resolve to only GlobalIP.

At present it is resolving to local IP. I should not change any dns settings since the local clients should interact to the server vertex with local only.

Actually there is a third party application running on my Vertex server, and it will work on global ip only, but when it tries to resolve the name vertex/vertex.iqresource.com it is retriving the localIP.

I think you understood my problem, I had already tried the lmhosts file too, but could not find the solution.

Any suggestions or help is highly appreciated, as my application is really in a bag stage.

mmmmm i da know.
Change the external IP Metric to a lowwer number.
See if that does what you want.
Hi Tangostar,

Thank you for the update, but i did not get you, what does IP metric mean, and how do i make it lower, any example if possible, sorry if i had asked anything wrong,

thank you
If you check the Advanced TCP/IP properties of your NICs you will see that currently it is assigned to use an automatic metric.
change the metrics so that you external NIC has a lower metric.
See if that works.

Im just guessing right now.
Hi Tangostar,

Ok, I have done that, I had assigned the metric 1 to the global NIC and metric 2 to the local NIC.

Restarted the server, tried to ping Vertex, still it resolves to the global Nic only.

Any more suggestions. Please do help me to sort it out.. i am running out of time.. please

Hi Tangostar,

Sorry, it is still resolving to the localIP only not Global IP.

Please read the above update as:

Hi Tangostar,

Ok, I have done that, I had assigned the metric 1 to the global NIC and metric 2 to the local NIC.

Restarted the server, tried to ping Vertex, still it resolves to the local IP only.

Any more suggestions?. Please do help me to sort it out.. i am running out of time.. please


Try editing the hosts file on the machine, not the LMHost file.

Let me know if this helps ya. No server restart will be necessary.


"The Less You Do, The Less Can Go Wrong" :)
I agree with NetInruder, computer resolves names in this order hosts/LMhosts file first before it goes out and look for DNS/WINS.

FQDN - Hosts/DNS
NetBios Name - LMhosts/WINS
Does this server run DNS, or do you have your own DNS server?
Windows 2000 server so I will work on the assumption that you are running a 2000 domain with DNS.

Using the AD tools, open the DNS properties and find the server in question. You can edit the IP address it resolves to in here.
Your statment...

"Now when i ping either vertex or vertex.resource.com on the server vertex it should resolve to only GlobalIP."

On the vertex server, in advanced TCP/IP properties (DNS tab)uncheck REGISTER THIS CONNECTION IN DNS. <-- do this on the NIC interface that you want to hide from your internal clients.

You have a DNS problem. It sounds like that wrong IP address is being registered in your local DNS servers. To fix this, make sure that the correct entry exist on your DNS servers. NSLOOKUP can help you query DNS to find out how the record is being resolved. Only ONE IP address can be assigned to a name.

So in your DNS server, I would make two A record entries. One for your internal IP and one for your global IP.

Vertex = internal IP
VertexP = global IP

Then when you ping vertex, you will ping the internal interface

When you ping vertexP, you will get the external IP.

Joseph L. Poandl
MCSE 2003

If your company is in need of experts to examine technical problems/solutions, please check out (Sales@njcomputernetworks.com)

For the query of baddos, the server does not have dns, i have my own DNS server on the Domain server "resource". All these are on Win2000.

Now for the update of Jpoandl, actually i cannot use vertex and vertexp, as i told i am running a third party application which resolves the server name vertex to the ip, so i should resolve vertex to the global ip only on the vertex server. And at clients and other servers vertex should resolve to the local ip. There are DNS enteries for both the ips on my DNS server.

Ok I will put it in this way, once my third party application starts, it check the server name vertex and resolves the coresponding IP. Now if it resolves the global ip then it works fine, since my application talks global net. Now when i have two ips one local and one global, it is resolving the local ip and then my application is unable to talk with the global net.

So what i mean to say is the vertex name should resolve to global ip on the vertex server only.
I think you have understood what i want, any more queries please do update, i will be waiting for your valuable suggestions,Thankyou

If I understand you correctly, you want the Vertex to resolve to the global IP only, when pinging Vertex from Vertex.

To do this, edit the host file locally on Vertex. Create an entry for vertex pointing to the global IP.


Joseph L. Poandl
MCSE 2003

If your company is in need of experts to examine technical problems/solutions, please check out (Sales@njcomputernetworks.com)

Jpoandl, yes i had already tried that too, but still it did not solve the pupose.

For your information iam providing the two nics configuration below and also the hostfile too.
# Interface IP Configuration for "extension"(Local)

static addr =
Subnetmask =
gateway = gwmetric = 2
dns name = "extension" source = static addr =
wins name = "extension" source = static addr = none

# Interface IP Configuration for "onboard"(Global)

static addr =
Subnetmask =
gateway = gwmetric = 1
dns name = "onboard" source = static addr = none
wins name = "onboard" source = static addr = none

The Host file contents are
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host

# localhost

vertex.resource.com vertex.resource.com vertex

Say if this is all to get one program working why don't you see if the solution is withing the program itself. You want one particular program to report a certain IP. I have a Database program on a multi homed computer and it has a INI file in which you can specify the IP.
Maybe go into Network and Dial Ip Configuration..

(On the tool bar) Under Advanced --> click Advanced Settings

Change the CONNECTION ORDER so that your global nic is listed first.

Joseph L. Poandl
MCSE 2003

If your company is in need of experts to examine technical problems/solutions, please check out (Sales@njcomputernetworks.com)
but if you now ping "vertex.com", does it reply with the External interface with the host file in place?

Is the program hardcoded to one of your NIC's? ie, is it looking at NIC 1 only? If so, you could potentially change the internal and external NICs around...


"The Less You Do, The Less Can Go Wrong" :)
Hi Tangostar,

I agree with you, Here it does not take the ip directly, it resolves with the server name. I cannot specify the IP directly. This is a call-center based program.

Please this is only way I have, please suggest..


Jpoandl, Yes I had tried that, but still it is going to local ip only, do i need to change anything in the NIC configuration that i had provided above, please suggest, i think we are on the right track.

Any alternative way to get this done?


Jpoandl, is this connection order is particular for that server only or in general, that means if clients try to resolve the servername do they go as for this connection order, just as with the DNS. Please a bit details,

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