Machine = IBM XS220 (8645)
OS = Win 2000 server
Problem = we want to runt his machine with dual monitor. THe machine has on board video (pci) and i am using a ATI rage PCI card as the seconary. on fitting the card the machine disables the onboard video and uses the ATI (gives message on board video disabled due to peripheral card after the bios screen)
In windows both devices feature in device manager but the on board S3 savage video is plinged (code 12 - not enough free recources).
Have tried - diabling fdd and ports in the bios. Removing devices then restarting and letting windows redetect.
Other- I can see anywhere in the bios to select video boot. nor can i change recources (move irq) to the ATI manually as this function is greyd out.
Any sujjestions ?
OS = Win 2000 server
Problem = we want to runt his machine with dual monitor. THe machine has on board video (pci) and i am using a ATI rage PCI card as the seconary. on fitting the card the machine disables the onboard video and uses the ATI (gives message on board video disabled due to peripheral card after the bios screen)
In windows both devices feature in device manager but the on board S3 savage video is plinged (code 12 - not enough free recources).
Have tried - diabling fdd and ports in the bios. Removing devices then restarting and letting windows redetect.
Other- I can see anywhere in the bios to select video boot. nor can i change recources (move irq) to the ATI manually as this function is greyd out.
Any sujjestions ?