We are in the process of setting up a set of high volume MySQL servers. and the configuration that we have chosen is a Dual master replication model, each with its own slave. ie. a total of 4 computers with this configuration
We have chosen this so that if one master fails we can easily bring the slave forward to take its place.
However, we do have a question with bringing a Slave up to replace a dead master (ie. if A dies we bring C up to the dual master configuration with B)
Is there any way to bring C up as a replacement master WITHOUT stopping mysql or locking the tables?
Let me know.. Thanks for your help upfront.
We have chosen this so that if one master fails we can easily bring the slave forward to take its place.
However, we do have a question with bringing a Slave up to replace a dead master (ie. if A dies we bring C up to the dual master configuration with B)
Is there any way to bring C up as a replacement master WITHOUT stopping mysql or locking the tables?
Let me know.. Thanks for your help upfront.