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Dual Boot using WinXP PRO and Win2000

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Sep 10, 2001
i have WinXP Pro installed on my computer but i want to dual boot it with a Win2000 PRO... but, whenever i insert my Win2000 CD, it said that i have already an installation of a higher version (which is XP)...

1. how can i install my Win2000 on my computer having my WinXP as primary system?

2. can i install Win98 instead? then upgrade my Win98 to Win2000? ... but, can i install Win98 having WinXP Pro as my primary system?

3. after that, i want to install redhat linux for their 3rd OS... can i do that?

thnx very much
you can not install win 98 y 2k in the same partition that you have installed win xp using the xp boot system...

you can do...
use partition magic to create an other partition in the same HD. then download bmrecord32 from and then follow the instruccion to run 2 diferent partitons and 2 diferent HD.
this programs ceate a new MBR, replacing the WXP MBR...
then you have 2 partitions, one with WXP and other one without system...
format the last one in fat 32 and then boot from flopy disk and install win 98 in the las partition...
when you finish the install proces, run again the bmrecord32 and re-create a new MBR...


what's your hard drive setup? As bertoliten mentions, you need to have free partitions/drives to install other operating systems. If you have just one hard drive, which has a single partition taking all the space for XP, you'll need to either get another hard drive or/and use a tool like Partition Magic to reduce the size of the XP partition, to make room for 2k and Linux.

I would advise using a third party boot manager (I use one at free for personal use - can boot all windows and linux. is free too, and Partition Magic comes with its own), but you can set it up just useing the XP/2k boot loader and lilo/grub which generally comes with Linux (install Linux last in this scenario). If you do make space for 2k and Linux, and you just want to use XP/2k boot loader, this is what I'd do.

1. After you've freed up space, create a primary partition with enough space for your 2k - leaving enough for Linux(fat32 or ntfs as you want) using XP's disk management tools (not Partition Magic). Priimary partition gives you better options for independent operating systems later, if you wish.

2. Boot the PC using the 2k install Cd (may needto change boot order in the bios - CD first). When asked where you want to install, select the partition you just created (2k install may see it as damaged if you used ntfs, because XP's a later version - doesn't matter, it will offer to format it for you). Go ahead with the install. When its complte, you'll have a dual boot menu (XP & 2k), but XP won't boot - 2k will. You need to reinstate XP's boot sector files, ntldr & ntdetect.com (2k has overwritten with its own). These files are on the XP install CD in \i386 - just copy them over the ones in the root of C:, and both operating systems should now boot.

3. Boot from Linux install disk, and let it create partitions and install in remaining space. it should offer either lilo or grub boot loader, and after install, you should be able to boot all 3.

PS. Insurance. Create an XP boot floppy before you start. Copy ntldr, ntdetect.com and boot.ini from root of C: to newly formatted floppy. This will boot your XP if its boot sector is corrupted. Remember these files usually hidden, read only, system files - adjust folder options/view settings acordingly.
on my hard disk, i have NTFS on Win XP (C Drive) and FAT32 on Data Drive (D Drive)..

.. im planning to buy a NEW hard disk, and partition them and install Win2k, Win2k Server, and Linux...

do you think that would be possible? XP on my 1st HD, then Win2K, Linux on my 2nd HD (both of them partitioned)... its not dual boot.. but 3 or 4 OS boot

... my only problem right now is whenever i inserted my Win2k CD, XP says that it is an older version, which prohibits me from installing Win2k

you can not install an other operative system over the same HDD where your have instaled WIN XP, first, you need to create an other partition in the HDD and follow the step that i wrote in the first mensagge...

if you want to install other operative system in other drive y recomend remove the DHH that have win xp and use a new HDD, then install win 98, then win 2k...
then, you will have a dual boot, win 2k, win 98 in this HDD

then, put de first HDD and put the second HDD as slave, and use a bmrecord32 from to replace the MBR in ther first DHH with XP...
the final resulta are:
first boot, WINXP o WIN2k
if win xp, run win xp
if win 2k, run the second HDD and ask again, win 2k or win98...

if you have other HDD, and you want to install Win2kServer and Linux
remove all HDD and put a blank HDD without partition...
first use a program to make a ntfs partition without use all the space...
install the windows 2k server...
then install linux in the free partition space, without install lilo boot (you will use bmrecord32)...
when you finish you only can acces to linux os in this HDD...

put all the hdd removed and run again the bmrecord32, and you can chose
HDD1 - winXP
HDD2 - win 2k and win 98
HDD3, part 1 Win 2k server
HDD3, part 2 linux


when you chose Hdd2 in the boot menu, you see the win 2k boot menu width win 98 or win 2k...

sorry for my basic english again
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