I ran the following code which I generated from dtsrunui and executed in a dosshell (NT 4.0 sp6). The error listing follows in the next section.
All the package is trying to do is connect to a DB2 database and query a table on a daterange and append the result set to a SQL Server 2k table.
Could someone point me to a good source of info on interpreting the dtsrun errors or explain to me what happened here so I can fix?
Also, when you run dtsrun out of a batch file or dosshell, the job does not terminate the session even though dtsrun says it has completed. I figure there is a switch for this (I hope).
Any help would be appreciated.
DTSRun /N "tbl0210ProviderInq" /G "{762C27BF-F4D8-11D7-97AE-000802206445}" /F "G:\Data\Loaders\tbl0210ProviderInq.dts" /L "D:\dtslogger.txt" /A "StartDate":"7"="10/01/2003" /A "EndDate":"7"="10/01/2003" /W "0"
The execution of the following DTS Package succeeded:
Package Name: tbl0210ProviderInq
Package Description: tbl0210ProviderInq Appender
Package ID: {762C27BF-F4D8-11D7-97AE-000802206445}
Package Version: {762C27C8-F4D8-11D7-97AE-000802206445}
Package Execution Lineage: {F7ECF6E7-F4E7-11D7-97AE-000802206445}
Executed On: wu212jyhxa757
Executed By: GBrockman
Execution Started: 10/02/2003 10:51:57 AM
Execution Completed: 10/02/2003 10:52:10 AM
Total Execution Time: 12.485 seconds
Package Steps execution information:
Step 'Copy Data from Results to [telephone_rpt].[dbo].[tbl0210ProviderInq] Step' failed
Step Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Step Error Description:[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] SQL0514N The cursor "SQLCURCS297 " is not in a prepared state. SQLSTATE=26501
Step Error code: 80004005
Step Error Help File:
Step Error Help Context ID:0
Step Execution Started: 10/02/2003 10:51:57 AM
Step Execution Completed: 10/02/2003 10:52:00 AM
Total Step Execution Time: 2.469 seconds
Progress count in Step: 0
All the package is trying to do is connect to a DB2 database and query a table on a daterange and append the result set to a SQL Server 2k table.
Could someone point me to a good source of info on interpreting the dtsrun errors or explain to me what happened here so I can fix?
Also, when you run dtsrun out of a batch file or dosshell, the job does not terminate the session even though dtsrun says it has completed. I figure there is a switch for this (I hope).
Any help would be appreciated.
DTSRun /N "tbl0210ProviderInq" /G "{762C27BF-F4D8-11D7-97AE-000802206445}" /F "G:\Data\Loaders\tbl0210ProviderInq.dts" /L "D:\dtslogger.txt" /A "StartDate":"7"="10/01/2003" /A "EndDate":"7"="10/01/2003" /W "0"
The execution of the following DTS Package succeeded:
Package Name: tbl0210ProviderInq
Package Description: tbl0210ProviderInq Appender
Package ID: {762C27BF-F4D8-11D7-97AE-000802206445}
Package Version: {762C27C8-F4D8-11D7-97AE-000802206445}
Package Execution Lineage: {F7ECF6E7-F4E7-11D7-97AE-000802206445}
Executed On: wu212jyhxa757
Executed By: GBrockman
Execution Started: 10/02/2003 10:51:57 AM
Execution Completed: 10/02/2003 10:52:10 AM
Total Execution Time: 12.485 seconds
Package Steps execution information:
Step 'Copy Data from Results to [telephone_rpt].[dbo].[tbl0210ProviderInq] Step' failed
Step Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Step Error Description:[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] SQL0514N The cursor "SQLCURCS297 " is not in a prepared state. SQLSTATE=26501
Step Error code: 80004005
Step Error Help File:
Step Error Help Context ID:0
Step Execution Started: 10/02/2003 10:51:57 AM
Step Execution Completed: 10/02/2003 10:52:00 AM
Total Step Execution Time: 2.469 seconds
Progress count in Step: 0