I had a hard coded date format DTS which I updated ( with help from TT colleagues) to include a where clause that would bring back the start and end of the previous month in order to bring back 'last months' transactions. The hard coded version worked of course, but when I use the following coding, I get an error and lose all my source transformation data.
Can anyone advise me where I may have gone wrong.
DECLARE @tStartDate datetime
DECLARE @tEndDate datetime
SET @tStartDate = DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, DateAdd(mm,-1,GETDATE())), 0) -- Beginning of previous month
SET @tEndDate = DATEADD(mm, 1 + DATEDIFF(mm, 0, DateAdd(mm,-1,GETDATE())), 0) -- Beginning of current month
dp_history.ptid AS DPTranNumber,
dp_history.acct_no AS AccountID,
dp_history.tran_code AS TranCode,
dp_history.amt AS TranAmount,
dp_history.effective_dt AS TranDate,
ISNULL(dp_history.long_desc,dp_history.description) AS TranNarration, AS OperatorName,
ad_gb_branch.short_name AS TranBranch,
pc_origin.description AS TranOriginDesc,
ad_gb_channel.short_desc AS TranChannelDesc
(((tstUCU.dbo.dp_history dp_history LEFT OUTER JOIN tstUCU.dbo.ad_gb_rsm ad_gb_rsm ON dp_history.empl_id=ad_gb_rsm.employee_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN tstUCU.dbo.pc_origin pc_origin ON dp_history.origin_id=pc_origin.origin_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN tstUCU.dbo.ad_gb_channel ad_gb_channel ON dp_history.channel_id=ad_gb_channel.channel_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN tstUCU.dbo.ad_gb_branch ad_gb_branch ON ad_gb_rsm.branch_no=ad_gb_branch.branch_no
WHERE dp_history.effective_dt>=@tStartDate AND
dp_history.effective_dt < @tEndDate
Just as an aside, I also had a previous version of the above where I did not declare variables but used the follwoing where clause
dp_history.effective_dt>=dateadd(mm,-1,dateadd(dd,((datepart(dd,getdate())*-1)+1),getdate())) AND dp_history.effective_dt<= dateadd(dd,((datepart(dd,getdate())*-1)),getdate())
Unfortunately I seem to be missing about 7k transactions from the source table. I am thinking that it could be the time portion of the formula above. It will bring back the time portion to be the time portion of the getdate() funtion, but all transactions in the source system have a time set of dd/mm/yyyy 12:00:00AM (Sybase database)- so I think I miss out on those posted on the 1st prior and the lst day post the time portion.
I hope I make sense.
I had a hard coded date format DTS which I updated ( with help from TT colleagues) to include a where clause that would bring back the start and end of the previous month in order to bring back 'last months' transactions. The hard coded version worked of course, but when I use the following coding, I get an error and lose all my source transformation data.
Can anyone advise me where I may have gone wrong.
DECLARE @tStartDate datetime
DECLARE @tEndDate datetime
SET @tStartDate = DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, DateAdd(mm,-1,GETDATE())), 0) -- Beginning of previous month
SET @tEndDate = DATEADD(mm, 1 + DATEDIFF(mm, 0, DateAdd(mm,-1,GETDATE())), 0) -- Beginning of current month
dp_history.ptid AS DPTranNumber,
dp_history.acct_no AS AccountID,
dp_history.tran_code AS TranCode,
dp_history.amt AS TranAmount,
dp_history.effective_dt AS TranDate,
ISNULL(dp_history.long_desc,dp_history.description) AS TranNarration, AS OperatorName,
ad_gb_branch.short_name AS TranBranch,
pc_origin.description AS TranOriginDesc,
ad_gb_channel.short_desc AS TranChannelDesc
(((tstUCU.dbo.dp_history dp_history LEFT OUTER JOIN tstUCU.dbo.ad_gb_rsm ad_gb_rsm ON dp_history.empl_id=ad_gb_rsm.employee_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN tstUCU.dbo.pc_origin pc_origin ON dp_history.origin_id=pc_origin.origin_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN tstUCU.dbo.ad_gb_channel ad_gb_channel ON dp_history.channel_id=ad_gb_channel.channel_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN tstUCU.dbo.ad_gb_branch ad_gb_branch ON ad_gb_rsm.branch_no=ad_gb_branch.branch_no
WHERE dp_history.effective_dt>=@tStartDate AND
dp_history.effective_dt < @tEndDate
Just as an aside, I also had a previous version of the above where I did not declare variables but used the follwoing where clause
dp_history.effective_dt>=dateadd(mm,-1,dateadd(dd,((datepart(dd,getdate())*-1)+1),getdate())) AND dp_history.effective_dt<= dateadd(dd,((datepart(dd,getdate())*-1)),getdate())
Unfortunately I seem to be missing about 7k transactions from the source table. I am thinking that it could be the time portion of the formula above. It will bring back the time portion to be the time portion of the getdate() funtion, but all transactions in the source system have a time set of dd/mm/yyyy 12:00:00AM (Sybase database)- so I think I miss out on those posted on the 1st prior and the lst day post the time portion.
I hope I make sense.