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DTPicker binding to recordset???

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Jan 15, 2003
I am binding textboxes to a recordset and everyting is ok using this method Except when it comes to the DTPicker which doesn't bind it gives

Run-time error 545 "Unable to bind to Field or Datamember 'Expiry_Date'

I use the Tag field to set the Field_Name of the control to bind i.e.

For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
Select Case TypeName(ctrl)
Case "TextBox"
Set txtBox(ctrl.Index).DataSource = mRecordSet
txtBox(ctrl.Index).DataField = txtBox(ctrl.Index).Tag
Case "DTPicker"
'only one so dont have array of dtpickers
'cannot seem to bind to expiry_date so use hidden textbox
'Set DTPicker.DataSource = mRecordSet
'DTPicker.DataField = DTPicker.Tag '*** raises above error
End Select

The field name and the ctrl.tag are the same!!!!!!!!!
The Expiry_Date field is date/time type

I have got round this by using a hidden textbox to store the date and
bind this to the recordset which works ok but not elegant solution.

Private Sub DTPicker_Change()
txtBox(2) = DTPicker.Value
End Sub

I have tried changing dataformats/ matching dataformats between field/dtpicker all to no avail. :(

Any suggestions welcome. Run out of ideas

If my memory serves me correctly,Microsoft says it has a bug.
I use Monthview Control in Microsoft CommonControls 2(6)
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