I have got a IP One Box integration, which is giving to me a problem when I try to connect from mobile phones, it dosn´t register dtmf tones, but the problem is that it doesn´t happen all the time.
To give you more information I would like to say that I have tested in the follow environment:
1- making calls with good coverage.
2- different mobile phones and from different places.
P.S. I have installed the SPU4 board.
Thank you all beforehands.
I have got a IP One Box integration, which is giving to me a problem when I try to connect from mobile phones, it dosn´t register dtmf tones, but the problem is that it doesn´t happen all the time.
To give you more information I would like to say that I have tested in the follow environment:
1- making calls with good coverage.
2- different mobile phones and from different places.
P.S. I have installed the SPU4 board.
Thank you all beforehands.