We replaced a BCM1000 EE with a new BCM400 4.0. We reused their old 32DSI cards and their DTI card. They had a recent power outage and the UPS units ran out. When the power came back on everything came up just fine except the DTI card. The lights flashed as it does when the BCM first boots up. The problem was that the card never did initialize. I tried resetting the card and even powering the BCM down again but no success. I replaced the card and it came up just fine. I brought the old DTI back to the shop and put it in our test BCM1000 3.6 machine and it came up just fine. Does anyone know of a compatability issue with certain revisions of DTI cards?
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)