hi, i am designing a DTD file. but i have hesitations.
i placed child elements as attributes. but as far as the examples are concerned about my purpose, designers didnt use attributes, they used child element. what is the difference?? which way should i prefer?
example (elemet):
<! element a (b*, c*)>
<!elemen a (#PCDATA)>
<!element b (#PCDATA)>
<! element a (b*, c*)>
<!element a(#PCDATA)>
<!attribute a b CDATA #IMPLIED c CDATA #IMPLIED>
i placed child elements as attributes. but as far as the examples are concerned about my purpose, designers didnt use attributes, they used child element. what is the difference?? which way should i prefer?
example (elemet):
<! element a (b*, c*)>
<!elemen a (#PCDATA)>
<!element b (#PCDATA)>
<! element a (b*, c*)>
<!element a(#PCDATA)>
<!attribute a b CDATA #IMPLIED c CDATA #IMPLIED>