i know the T1 has errors. i am still trying to figure out what that SCR006 0 message is! I don't know what you mean by what loop am i tracking off of, but if the clock controller has errors does that point to the actual clock controller card as being the reason for the slipping counters? this is turning into a real nightmare as I've had the clock controller replaced three times within the last month. thanks for your help phonejack99!
The maximum number of MWI NSI tables (32) has been reached.
Action: Contact your technical support group if 32 tables are insufficient.
Severity: Major
you need to get the carrier involved as it is not a equipment problem on your end. Your pulling clocking off of the loop that is slipping and that is the cause of your dtc0013 errors. Switch your clocking for now to track secondary or free run.
I wish i knew everything because my job requires it but I don't. I did speak with AT&T and they said they tested clean to the CSU and that is is DEFINITELY a PBX issue. Are you saying that is NOT the case?
Its never the carriers problem! They all say that....
Can you see what the csu looks like? For now I would have them send out a tech with test equipment.
Is is under Sytem Clock Reference under the software input/out.
SCR0001 x System Clock Reference for cabinet x switched from PLL2/PLL1 to CC
SCR0002 x System Clock Reference for cabinet x switched from CC to PLL2/PLL1
SCR0003 x System Clock Reference for cabinet x switched from PLL4/PLL3 to CC
SCR0004 x System Clock Reference for cabinet x switched from CC to PLL4/PLL3
SCR0005 x System Clock Reference for cabinet x switched from PLL2/PLL1 to PLL4/PLL3s
SCR0006 x System Clock Reference for cabinet x switched from PLL4/PLL3 to PLL2/PLL1
Is is in my Release 25.40 documnetation CD. If you have the MERL. it should be under 553-3001-411. Look for the pages that have SCR or page 1247 of 1444.
by the way, is this good, bad or indifferent? and what about the first response i received regarding this alarm?
The maximum number of MWI NSI tables (32) has been reached.
Action: Contact your technical support group if 32 tables are insufficient.
Severity: Major
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