I have a query that selects records from a certain machine on a certain date. The records include [Weight Out] and [Shift] fields. I would like to be able to sum the weight produced by each shift (1-3). I am putting a text box in the Report footer with the control source: DSum("[Weight Out]","Daily Report","[Shift]='1'"
with "Daily Report" being the query that I am using. I am getting #error when I run the report.
I created a pie graph that calculates it for me, but I want to be able to place it elsewhere in the report (without the graph). The row source for the pie graph (that does work) is: SELECT [Shift],Sum([Weight Out]) AS [SumOfWeight Out] FROM [Daily Report] GROUP BY [Shift];
Why doesn't the DSum work?
I created a pie graph that calculates it for me, but I want to be able to place it elsewhere in the report (without the graph). The row source for the pie graph (that does work) is: SELECT [Shift],Sum([Weight Out]) AS [SumOfWeight Out] FROM [Daily Report] GROUP BY [Shift];
Why doesn't the DSum work?