Just getting the hang of mySQL. Got it running under Win2000 running Apache/Chili!soft.
Using Access, a DSN-less connection string looks like: "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=/db/database.mdb"
Can anyone give me the string for a mySQL DSN-less connection?
Just for my own enlightenment, where do you find this info?
Steve Davis
Just getting the hang of mySQL. Got it running under Win2000 running Apache/Chili!soft.
Using Access, a DSN-less connection string looks like: "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=/db/database.mdb"
Can anyone give me the string for a mySQL DSN-less connection?
Just for my own enlightenment, where do you find this info?
Steve Davis