I have a Cisco 678 dsl router attached to our enterprise LAN. I would like to use it to segrigate all traffic going to a certain network (Network A) on the web from using our T1's. It has a public address on the WAN0-0 port, and I have assigned to the ETH0 interface. I then created a route on my Cisco RSM to point all traffic to Network A using as the gateway. It works great for anyone on the 10.1.13.X subnet. But, anyone not on that subnet can't get to Network A, even though they can ping the interface of the DSL router.
Is it possible that I have a problem with NAT on the 678? NAT is enabled, but it's possible that is not configured properly...
Is it possible that I have a problem with NAT on the 678? NAT is enabled, but it's possible that is not configured properly...