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DSL connection problems

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Technical User
Feb 10, 2002
I have DSL through verizon (if that matters). There are two computers hooked up via a switch. Previously there has been little issue with any of this outside of the occasional problem view the other computer via the network. Anyway, on sunday I attepmted to check my email and found my computer was unable to connect.
I tried several things to resolve this issue:
1) I checked to see if the modem lights were all on.
2) detected network settings as well as making sure net card was still working properly via the control panel.
3) Rebooted, then detected again
4) Checked the other computer and its connection is fine
5) Finally remember there is program (winipcfg) that allows one to reset and renew ip info from host.
Step 5 finally allowed me to gain some semblance of a connection but after about 3-5 min the connection ceases to work and I have to "release all" "renew all" again to restore it.
I would like to get this fixed if anyone has any ideas about why this is occuring.
BTW my computer specs (if this would be of any use)
750 mhz PIII
D-link fast ethernet adapter
Windows 98 second edition
w/ zone alarm (firewall software)
Panda Titanium (antivirus)
Thanks for your time,
Three things you could try *this is basing only off the information you gave, of course*

-uninstall zonealarm and see if problem persists
-reinstall communications and see if problem persists
-hook non-browsing computer up directly to dsl, connect via ISP's connection software (PPPOE or whutnot) and see if problem persists *it might be having a hard time dealing with the router*

also, if you connect the non-browsing computer up to the DSL directly, authenticate using your isp's software then run winipcfg, what IP address does it show? if it is not a valid IP address, you're probably looking at tcp/ip.

I recently installed Verizon DSL and find that I am losing a connection in the middle of the night. I wake up to find connection lost. This is not much of a problem when my PC is on a stand alone basis,since I merely log back on, but when I hook up a Linksys router and enable another PC for DSL, I have to reset the modem , check the settings and reboot the computer and reboot. Verizon was unable to say why I am losing the connection. I use Windows 98, Compaq Pentium and a Westel Modem.
Can any one offer suggestions.
Just recently installed Verizon DSL. All the main web sites are available. hotmail.com, yahoo.com, aol.com but when I attempt to connect to my company web site it just hangs.

The site is: tock.atex.com

It's no problem connecting to but not tock.atex.com

I know it's not firewall related during my travels I connect from other pc's all over the country. I can use the dial up aol connection fine from the same pc. Other people in my company use other dsl providers and haven't had any problems connecting to the company web site.

Please can anyone assist? I have an issue number from Verizon but after 2-weeks they still have not notified me to the status though when I call they are still working on the problem. I'm thinking of using the 30 day money back guarantee if it isn't fixed soon.

please contact me at rdollinger@hotmail.com
Orius and westtest,

These are old posts. Are you still having the same problem?


I use Verizon DSL and was able to connect with no problem. What exactly happens when you try to connect? Does it hand or give an error message? Is this a laptoip computer? Do you connect to the site from the same computer in your travels?

Just off the top of my head ...
- The site appears to use CGI scripts, javascript and cookies. If your browser is not set up correctly to work with them, it will not work.
I too am having issues with my verizon dsl connection. Everytime I try to logon on to my hotmail account or log on to ign (to use their insider service), my connection just hangs. The people at verizon were, of course, useless and refused to send a tech to check out the issue.

That's because it's probably not a Verizon issue. Are you able to access other sites with no problems? How about Yahoo? Google?

There is a consistent problem with Hotmail these days. I have no problems with Verizon service but access to Hotmail is HORRIBLE! When the site first loads, it's quick, right? After you click sign-in, it displays your mail box quickly, right? But it takes forever before you can click on the inbox. Unless Verizon is blocking ports that Hotmail wants to use, I think the problem is with Hotmail. The only port I am aware of being blocked by Verizon is 80.

I don't know anything about ign.

The Old Man
Hey Guys....I happen to be very familiar with dsl from Verizon as I am a techie for them...so I'll try to answer some qu.'s here as best as I can.

1. understand that with verizon dsl there is a time out, if your connection is idle for 30 minutes your connection will be lost and you will have to log in again, possibly having to restart everything including the westell modem

-- one way to get rid of this is to get a router such as linksys and make sure that the setup page has the bullet beside keep connection alive...best set at 30 seconds...so that the router pings the network and lets it know you are not done with the connection.

2. the issue with not being able to access sites with www, if you are using IE, try going to your internet options and the advanced tab and restoring your browser settings to the default, I have also heard that this can happen with something called "google companion" that makes everything you type in the address bar like a search engine search.

3. it is absolutely ridiculous for verizon to send a tech out to check a connection hanging issue with only the hotmail site :)

4. if you are able to browse to the majority of websites but are unable to access your company thru vpn it may be a problem that cannot be fixed due to a compatibility issue between the network set up of the dsl and the software. we are all very much aware of this issue and are working towards a resolution although i haven't heard anything yet

5. be careful when uninstalling zone alarm, it leaves a registry entry that may cause you to lose your routing ability altogether, your best bet to eliminate it as a cause of an issue is to just disable it

6. A little tip on Linksys routers and dsl, sometimes your password will expire and this will mean that you are not able to connect, in this case you need to contact tech support and get your pwd reset so that you can re-enter it into the management page for your router. One of the easy ways a tech can tell if that is the problem is if you call an try entering in the test account id and pwd for the day....if both gsp's work...then the pwd needs to be reset and you will be good to go.
Oh and one more thing...yes the only port that Verizon blocks is Port 80...and that wouldn't affect hotmail usage *ducks and hides* "don't shoot me i'm only the messenger!"
I have a similar problem, I cannot access hotmail, yahoo.I can access secure sites, I am running on xp prof, verizon dsl, westel modem.
I cannot upload any data to any site.
This is killing me, I have tried all sorts of things from Windows update to browser settings, using Netscape, have opened 3 tickets with Verizon Suppor center, to no avail.
I wonder what is the problem..Any cues will be greatly appreciated.
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