Here's the problem.
Built a ASP App. Uses Cookies to store session information about the user that is authenticated against by each page to make sure the user has access. These are separate cookies that I am writing to the client through the Response.Cookie method during a hidden login page.
The user brings up the site. Sees the login page and submits the appropriate form information (username/password). The form is submitted to a ASP page that processes the form, validates against the DB, writes the cookies, and then redirects to the next page the user sees.
Problem is for some reason that page isn't writing out the cookie, but I am not getting a error. So when the defualt page is loaded it does it's security check and finds the cookie missing, brings up another page (the same one used for session timeouts, etc.....) and asks the user to login again. That page is also submitted to the same checklogin.asp that is used during the initial login. (The page is reused so all logins call the same code) But this second time the cookies get written correctly, and the site works fine.
For some reason IIS isn't writing the cookie to the client, but isn't delivering a error either. Session state is disabled on IIS (We are controlling session separately from the IIS ASP Session). Running IIS 5 on 2K advanced server. But have other production machines with the same configuration (as far as we can tell) that are working fine......
Does anyone have a clue what could be causing this? The money's gone, the brain is shot.....but the liquor we still got.
Built a ASP App. Uses Cookies to store session information about the user that is authenticated against by each page to make sure the user has access. These are separate cookies that I am writing to the client through the Response.Cookie method during a hidden login page.
The user brings up the site. Sees the login page and submits the appropriate form information (username/password). The form is submitted to a ASP page that processes the form, validates against the DB, writes the cookies, and then redirects to the next page the user sees.
Problem is for some reason that page isn't writing out the cookie, but I am not getting a error. So when the defualt page is loaded it does it's security check and finds the cookie missing, brings up another page (the same one used for session timeouts, etc.....) and asks the user to login again. That page is also submitted to the same checklogin.asp that is used during the initial login. (The page is reused so all logins call the same code) But this second time the cookies get written correctly, and the site works fine.
For some reason IIS isn't writing the cookie to the client, but isn't delivering a error either. Session state is disabled on IIS (We are controlling session separately from the IIS ASP Session). Running IIS 5 on 2K advanced server. But have other production machines with the same configuration (as far as we can tell) that are working fine......
Does anyone have a clue what could be causing this? The money's gone, the brain is shot.....but the liquor we still got.