When I use the graphs function of the CMS on a Gigabit port on a 3508 switch, I have 6000 dropped packets permanently, without any error packets.
What can causes this behavior ?
The Gigabit port is linked to a gigabit card on a NetWare Server.
On another gigabit port linked to a gigabit card on a NT 4 TSE Server, the dropped packets are 2000 permanently.
On the two systems, no problems and no errors in the NIC statistics.
Thank you for any information.
When I use the graphs function of the CMS on a Gigabit port on a 3508 switch, I have 6000 dropped packets permanently, without any error packets.
What can causes this behavior ?
The Gigabit port is linked to a gigabit card on a NetWare Server.
On another gigabit port linked to a gigabit card on a NT 4 TSE Server, the dropped packets are 2000 permanently.
On the two systems, no problems and no errors in the NIC statistics.
Thank you for any information.