Hi. I am at a loss. I have asked this question once before but I feel as though I was not clear. In the following script I have an example of a droplistbox.
If the user selects Micheal, The following line of code returns the number 1.
How do I get Name to show up as Micheal instead of 1?
No, I am no programmer, but the answers to such questions will allow me to automate a lot of my repetitive navigation and input. There are a great deal of different functionalities that could be made simpler and error free from this; I am already grateful for all the information I have learned in this forum and to all of those who have offered their input and assistance thus far, and this solution would go a long way to improving mine and others performance at work. I created and shared quickpads at work 4 or 5 years ago, but am now learning there is a lot more than sendkeys. Again, your assistance will be much appreciated.
DropListBox 120, 100, 75, 32, "Cris"+chr$(9)+"Micheal"+chr$(9)+"Krista"+chr$(9)+"Kevin"+chr$(9)+"Jennifer", .dbxOption
If the user selects Micheal, The following line of code returns the number 1.
MsgBox Name
How do I get Name to show up as Micheal instead of 1?
No, I am no programmer, but the answers to such questions will allow me to automate a lot of my repetitive navigation and input. There are a great deal of different functionalities that could be made simpler and error free from this; I am already grateful for all the information I have learned in this forum and to all of those who have offered their input and assistance thus far, and this solution would go a long way to improving mine and others performance at work. I created and shared quickpads at work 4 or 5 years ago, but am now learning there is a lot more than sendkeys. Again, your assistance will be much appreciated.