I am trying to unravel and add functionality to a context menu handler i found online. The program adds a right click option to context menus for files. Right now it uses *foperation* and i have it running what amounts to be a copy function (i know how to easily change this to a move, delete ect. the standard foperation functions). I want this function to also create a shortcut to a predefined location. I have the code working for one file but when more then one file is selected the foperation works but my shortcut creation only works on one of the files. I know that _DropFiles "Defines the CF_HDROP clipboard format. The data that follows is a double null-terminated list of file names. " Therefore i presume that the file names are seperated by a single null termination. (this could be wrong). If that is the case i think my shortcut creation routine reads then end of the variable at the first null character. Do you know if that is my problem? Either way do you have any idea on how i can get all of the data held in the dropfile variable out?