I am using excel 5.
I am having trouble making the 'onchange' property of a drop down box (on a dialog sheet) input text into an edit box on the sam dialogsheet. The dropdown editbox does have an input range on a worksheet in the same workbook.
the code that i am using is like this..
Sub EntryDialog_drpErrorTitle_Change()
Dim entryDialog As DialogSheet
Dim errMsgRows As Integer
errMsgRows = Worksheets("Errors".Range("A1".CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
Set entryDialog = DialogSheets("EntryDialog"
With entryDialog
For i = 2 To errMsgRows Step 1
If .DropDowns("drpErrorTitle".Text = Worksheets("Errors".Cells(i, 1).Value Then
.EditBoxes("txtErrorMsg".Text = Worksheets("Errors".Cells(i, 2).Value
.EditBoxes("txtErrorMsg".Text = ""
End If
End With
End Sub
am i missing something?
I am having trouble making the 'onchange' property of a drop down box (on a dialog sheet) input text into an edit box on the sam dialogsheet. The dropdown editbox does have an input range on a worksheet in the same workbook.
the code that i am using is like this..
Sub EntryDialog_drpErrorTitle_Change()
Dim entryDialog As DialogSheet
Dim errMsgRows As Integer
errMsgRows = Worksheets("Errors".Range("A1".CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
Set entryDialog = DialogSheets("EntryDialog"
With entryDialog
For i = 2 To errMsgRows Step 1
If .DropDowns("drpErrorTitle".Text = Worksheets("Errors".Cells(i, 1).Value Then
.EditBoxes("txtErrorMsg".Text = Worksheets("Errors".Cells(i, 2).Value
.EditBoxes("txtErrorMsg".Text = ""
End If
End With
End Sub
am i missing something?