I have created a dropdown menu that i would like to stay open for a second after the user drags the mouse off of the layer.
Here is the code i have for the dropdown menu:
<img src="images/nav_practices_off.jpg" alt="" name="nav_practices_off" width="84" height="27" border="0" id="nav_practices_off" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('nav_practices_off','','images/nav_practices_on.jpg',1);MM_showHideLayers('Layer1','','show')" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore(); "window.setTimeout(MM_showHideLayers('Layer1','','hide')', 1000);" />
I am using window.setTimout to try to make this work, but the way the code is now once i rollover it, it stays open for good. Where should i be putting the window.setTimeout function?