I've got the report application server for Crystal Reports 9. So far I'm liking what I've got working. However, I'm having a bit of an issue with the parameters for multiple discrete values. In the crystal designer the parameter will give a drop down list. I'm working with a database field with 500+ unique records (customers). When I try to "define default values" and just pull in that field. It stops short, perhaps at around 40 records (say customers A through C). I can get around that by copying all customer names into a text document and Importing that text document into the "define paramters" applet. After that, reports ran in the designer are just fine.
However, in moving to the RAS I've found that the parameter dropdown selection is limited to maybe 50 records, I didn't count but the listing stops at A or B instead of showing the entire list through Z.
Is there a fix?
BusinessObjects indicates there is a fix for a problem with parameter values cutting off at 255 characters. I don't think this is the problem.
However, in moving to the RAS I've found that the parameter dropdown selection is limited to maybe 50 records, I didn't count but the listing stops at A or B instead of showing the entire list through Z.
Is there a fix?
BusinessObjects indicates there is a fix for a problem with parameter values cutting off at 255 characters. I don't think this is the problem.