I have a rollover graphic that drops down another graphic that is layered. The layered graphic has links on it that are mapped. In IE you can rollover the graphic and get the drop down graphic, but when you go towards the link to click the graphic goes away.
It works perfectly in Netscape, the drop down will stay up as long as the mouse is anywhere on it and you can click on the links that are mapped on the graphic and they work.
I should mention that all graphics are absolutly positioned and that I am using Dreamweaver to develop this.
I hope this makes sense to some one out there. Please help! ;-)
It works perfectly in Netscape, the drop down will stay up as long as the mouse is anywhere on it and you can click on the links that are mapped on the graphic and they work.
I should mention that all graphics are absolutly positioned and that I am using Dreamweaver to develop this.
I hope this makes sense to some one out there. Please help! ;-)