Just to give you the back ground info I am building a site using VBscript and using IBM Redback objects. I have are ready got a drop down menu to be populated by a redback object. But because some of the entries are entered more than once I would like to filter the results so each result is only shown once.
Set oConn = GetConnectionObj()
Set oLookup = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.RedObject"
If Err.number Then DisplayError
oLookup.Open oConn, "STOCK:ListStock"
If Err.number Then DisplayError
oLookup("select_criteria".Value = "INVEN.CATEG <> """""
Set rs = oLookup.CallMethod("Select"
If Err.number then DisplayError
Response.write"<select name=""vender"" id=""vender"">"
Response.write"<option value=""""></option>"
Do While Not rs.EOF
Response.write LCase("<option value=" & rs("INVEN.CATEG".Value & ">" & rs("INVEN.DESCR" & "</option>"
Thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully help me.
Just to give you the back ground info I am building a site using VBscript and using IBM Redback objects. I have are ready got a drop down menu to be populated by a redback object. But because some of the entries are entered more than once I would like to filter the results so each result is only shown once.
Set oConn = GetConnectionObj()
Set oLookup = Server.CreateObject("RedBack.RedObject"
If Err.number Then DisplayError
oLookup.Open oConn, "STOCK:ListStock"
If Err.number Then DisplayError
oLookup("select_criteria".Value = "INVEN.CATEG <> """""
Set rs = oLookup.CallMethod("Select"
If Err.number then DisplayError
Response.write"<select name=""vender"" id=""vender"">"
Response.write"<option value=""""></option>"
Do While Not rs.EOF
Response.write LCase("<option value=" & rs("INVEN.CATEG".Value & ">" & rs("INVEN.DESCR" & "</option>"
Thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully help me.