This is probably a basic question but has been driving me nuts for hours.
I have a submit form with a dropdown box with the options populated form a database, this form is submited to an action form that will eventually insert order to database.
in the action form I am able to get the value for qty entered but can not figure out how to get the selected option in the drop down box
Submit Form Code: (only showing where I populate drop down)
<cfif GetProducts.Options is 1>
<div align="left"></div>
<cfquery datasource="ConTest"name="GetOptions" username="Robert"password="3215Az">
Select * From Options
Where OptionType = #GetProducts.prodType#
<select name="Option<cfoutput>#GetProducts.ProdNum#</cfoutput>">
<CFOUTPUT QUERY="GetOptions<OPTION VALUE="#OptionValue#">#OptionName#</OPTION>
"Action Form" Code
<cfloop index="id" list="#form.listofids#" delimiters=",">
<cfset Qty = "#Evaluate("form.Qty#id#")#">
<cfset Qty = Evaluate(Qty)>
How would I get the select option from The submit page ?
Any help is greatly appreciated
I have a submit form with a dropdown box with the options populated form a database, this form is submited to an action form that will eventually insert order to database.
in the action form I am able to get the value for qty entered but can not figure out how to get the selected option in the drop down box
Submit Form Code: (only showing where I populate drop down)
<cfif GetProducts.Options is 1>
<div align="left"></div>
<cfquery datasource="ConTest"name="GetOptions" username="Robert"password="3215Az">
Select * From Options
Where OptionType = #GetProducts.prodType#
<select name="Option<cfoutput>#GetProducts.ProdNum#</cfoutput>">
<CFOUTPUT QUERY="GetOptions<OPTION VALUE="#OptionValue#">#OptionName#</OPTION>
"Action Form" Code
<cfloop index="id" list="#form.listofids#" delimiters=",">
<cfset Qty = "#Evaluate("form.Qty#id#")#">
<cfset Qty = Evaluate(Qty)>
How would I get the select option from The submit page ?
Any help is greatly appreciated