I have the combo box populated with the last names of the customers in the database. How do I get the text boxes on the form to fill with the customer data from the database when the lastname in selected in the combobox.
There are about a zillion different ways to do this. You could use a data control and bind the text boxes to the database field names, but I intensely dislike bound controls, so I won't suggest that. If this does interest you however, there are many examples of how to do this in nearly everybook on beginning VB programming.
A better way would be to build a recordset based on an SQL call in which you SELECT all of the fields in your table that you want for Customer=Trim(cboCustomer.Text)
If you build your recordset on this SQL statement: SELECT firstname, address, city, state, zip FROM YourDatabaseName WHERE Customer=Trim(cboCustomer.Text)
Then, you can write a series of If/Then statements such as:
If IsNull(rs.Fields("firstname") Then
txtfirstname.Text = ""
txtfirstname.Text = rs.Fields("firstname"
End If
Where rs=the name of your recordset, and firstname is the name of the First Name field in your db table.
There is a much nicer, tighter way of populating your text boxes, but this will work. If you are interested in something a bit more sophisticated, let me know.
Hi Hackster...
I know it was a while back when you posted this..but to take it a step further...is it possible to fill another combobox depending on what is selected in the first combobox..
my problem is this....
i have a list of counties in a combobox....
i want to be able to be able to select a county and then fill the second combobox with the towns in this county 'on the fly' if this is possible....
hope i am making myself clear???
strSQL = "Select TownName from tblAddresses Where CountyName Like %" & Trim(cboCounties.text) & "%"
Then fill your second combo from the Recordset:
Do While Not rst.EOF
cboTowns.Additem rst!TownName
Loop Let me know if this helps
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'People who live in windowed environments shouldn't cast pointers.'
ok john...
but does this happen on the change event of the first combobox??
my problem is that i want the user to be able to change the selection in the first combo box and when he does, the second combo box will change its contents....
so do i program your code under the change event??
Change event, Click event, LostFocus event - Fire it from whatever event your pogram logic needs! Let me know if this helps
If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ222-2244 first
'People who live in windowed environments shouldn't cast pointers.'
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