Before anybody is going to be able to help you, you need to reveal something about your modem like Internal or External? Whether or not it is a WinModem ( a software modem ) whwther or not "other device" actually has been assigned a /dev such as /dev/tty0 or something. You may not even have to install a driver since it sounds like your kernel has already picked it up. It just may need to be configured and IIRC Mandrake has a some kind of "Internet-Start Here" that walks you through inserting an initialization string, etc. Again, iirc, it has a built in diag that will let you know if it's "talking". There is much more you can do right from command line but not w/o some more info. You might also poke around your modules.conf ( or conf.modules as some RH based distros like Mandrake call them ) with a text editor to see if any reference to a serial device is in there. Gather some info, play around, and write back
Internal Modem
It is a Win Modem (Software)
Their is no /dev/modem (Cannot tell precisely what their is, not in linux now)
P.S. I got the driver from Driverguide.com
I guesee it was a Linux "Zip" package cause it had the .tz (funny extension thingy) and linux was able to open the package. Inside the packae their are a lot of files which I am sure is the source code of the driver. It looks like C++ source code.
Do I have to compile the sourcecode, and how?
Can't I somehow remove the current modem that has been picked up or update it's driver?
May the Code Be With You...
x50-8 (X Fifty Eigt)
# tar zxvf <tarfilename>
a new directory will be created go into that
try to use the modem.
it will show error " <perticular module> not found.
in this directory u can see that module name with extension .o
# make
# make install
# insmod modulename.o
Note: the most important thing is that all window modem do not work under linux. only linux certified hardwares can run uner linux. for that check for redhat.com to see weather it is compatible for your linux or not.
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