Hi All,
Fairly new to Cognos. Using Report Net / Report Studio.
Trying to Drill Through from a summary report to a detailed report using date ranges from the summary report. Not having much success. All help appreciated!!
In order to demonstrate what I'm trying to do follow these steps using the sample Go sales and retailers.
First create the DETAIL report:
Create a simple list report and add the following query items;
Product line
Product type
Product name
Order date
Order number
Staff name
Add 2 filters as follows;
[gosales_goretailers].[Sales reps].[Staff name]= ?Name?
[gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order date] in_range ?Detail_Date_Range?
Save the file as DETAIL.
Next, create the SUMMARY report;
Create another simple list report and add the following query items;
Staff name
Add a prompt (parameter) that will prompt the user for a date range and filter based on the user's response.
i.e. [gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order date] in_range ?Users_Date_Range?
Save the file as SUMMARY.
Make the detail report a drill through based on Staff name and the DATE RANGE provided by the user in the SUMMARY report.
I have no problem "hooking up" the Staff name in the SUMMARY report to the ?Name? parameter in the detail report but I
cannot "pass" the date range. I've tried everything I can think of.
I tried adding the order date query item to the SUMMARY report work area and hooked it to the ?Detail_Date_Range? parameter.
I then CUT it from the work area because I don't want it displayed on the summary report.
Two things happened when I did this.
1) It screwed up my aggregation in the Summary report.
2) The Detail report only returned records for the first date in the range.
Idea's ????
Fairly new to Cognos. Using Report Net / Report Studio.
Trying to Drill Through from a summary report to a detailed report using date ranges from the summary report. Not having much success. All help appreciated!!
In order to demonstrate what I'm trying to do follow these steps using the sample Go sales and retailers.
First create the DETAIL report:
Create a simple list report and add the following query items;
Product line
Product type
Product name
Order date
Order number
Staff name
Add 2 filters as follows;
[gosales_goretailers].[Sales reps].[Staff name]= ?Name?
[gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order date] in_range ?Detail_Date_Range?
Save the file as DETAIL.
Next, create the SUMMARY report;
Create another simple list report and add the following query items;
Staff name
Add a prompt (parameter) that will prompt the user for a date range and filter based on the user's response.
i.e. [gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order date] in_range ?Users_Date_Range?
Save the file as SUMMARY.
Make the detail report a drill through based on Staff name and the DATE RANGE provided by the user in the SUMMARY report.
I have no problem "hooking up" the Staff name in the SUMMARY report to the ?Name? parameter in the detail report but I
cannot "pass" the date range. I've tried everything I can think of.
I tried adding the order date query item to the SUMMARY report work area and hooked it to the ?Detail_Date_Range? parameter.
I then CUT it from the work area because I don't want it displayed on the summary report.
Two things happened when I did this.
1) It screwed up my aggregation in the Summary report.
2) The Detail report only returned records for the first date in the range.
Idea's ????