I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with the programming language LOGO; it's used to introduce elementary school kids to programming by having them instruct a "turtle" to move across the screen and in the process draw lines, shapes, etc.
In my flash video, I'm simulating the turtle's movement. Right now, using a motion guide, I'm making the turtle draw a circle (in LOGO, this would be the following command: [tt]repeat 360 [fd 1 lt 1][/tt]). However, I can get the turtle to move- I just don't know how to make it draw. It's the logo equivalent of having the turtle move without putting the pen down.. nothing is being drawn. How do I get the turtle to draw?
If any of you need to see the project I'm working on to more fully understand it, I can upload it for you.. Thanks all.
Liam Morley
"light the deep, and bring silence to the world.
light the world, and bring depth to the silence."
In my flash video, I'm simulating the turtle's movement. Right now, using a motion guide, I'm making the turtle draw a circle (in LOGO, this would be the following command: [tt]repeat 360 [fd 1 lt 1][/tt]). However, I can get the turtle to move- I just don't know how to make it draw. It's the logo equivalent of having the turtle move without putting the pen down.. nothing is being drawn. How do I get the turtle to draw?
If any of you need to see the project I'm working on to more fully understand it, I can upload it for you.. Thanks all.
Liam Morley
"light the deep, and bring silence to the world.
light the world, and bring depth to the silence."