Here's a strange problem. I put the following code into flash 6 mx AS2
And it produces this "ContainerW = 420, ContainerH = 320".
I've no idea why this is happening but I can't continue my app now until someone shows me what the problem is
The result is a gap down the bottom and right side that is ruining all the layout, eg look here
stageWidth = 400;
stageHeight = 300;
containerMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("containerMC_mc", 1);
TestBorderSize = 2;
containerMC.lineStyle(10, 0x123123, 70);
containerMC.moveTo(TestBorderSize/2, TestBorderSize/2);
containerMC.lineTo((TestBorderSize/2)+stageWidth , TestBorderSize/2);
containerMC.lineTo((TestBorderSize/2)+stageWidth , (TestBorderSize/2)+stageHeight );
containerMC.lineTo(TestBorderSize/2, (TestBorderSize/2)+stageHeight );
containerMC.lineTo(TestBorderSize/2, TestBorderSize/2);
trace("ContainerW = " + containerMC._width + ", ContainerH = " + containerMC._height);
And it produces this "ContainerW = 420, ContainerH = 320".
I've no idea why this is happening but I can't continue my app now until someone shows me what the problem is
The result is a gap down the bottom and right side that is ruining all the layout, eg look here