Is there a way to draw a border around the subreport and the main report - only when the subreport "has data"???
Below is code that I am working with. What this does is draw line around the subreport when it has data (based on the links between the subrpt & main rpt). The subreport is located in a footer. I need for the border to go from the footer, thru the detail section - to the header. The report is group by a field called AircraftTail, - which like I mentioned, has a footer as well...
Any suggestions or examples...???
Below is what I'm working with..
Thanks in advance...!!!
Private Sub GroupFooter1_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
DoCmd.RunMacro "macRepeatSubHeader.MainPH"
Me.DrawWidth = 15
If Me.PartsReqdMAINOOS.Report.HasData Then
Me.Line (20, 0)-Step _
(Me.Width, Me.PartsReqdMAINOOS.Top + Me.PartsReqdMAINOOS.Height + 5), , B
End If
End Sub
Below is code that I am working with. What this does is draw line around the subreport when it has data (based on the links between the subrpt & main rpt). The subreport is located in a footer. I need for the border to go from the footer, thru the detail section - to the header. The report is group by a field called AircraftTail, - which like I mentioned, has a footer as well...
Any suggestions or examples...???
Below is what I'm working with..
Thanks in advance...!!!
Private Sub GroupFooter1_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
DoCmd.RunMacro "macRepeatSubHeader.MainPH"
Me.DrawWidth = 15
If Me.PartsReqdMAINOOS.Report.HasData Then
Me.Line (20, 0)-Step _
(Me.Width, Me.PartsReqdMAINOOS.Top + Me.PartsReqdMAINOOS.Height + 5), , B
End If
End Sub