Hello, I wrote CGI script with C/C++ which gets some data from user through the form and makes a file with X and Y coords like:
10 0.155
11 0.142
12 0.116
Now I want to build graph from this file.
I have gnuplot script which makes txttops convertion, it works fine from the command line but not from CGI script: I wrote in the script - system("gnuplot image.gnu" it's not working even if I give the full path to gnuplot(why?)
image.gnu some example use of popen for this cause(if I understood it right, and I doubt) and tried it and it's worked for gnuplot, see below:
#define CONVERT_PS "/usr/local/bin/gnuplot image.gnu"
FILE *fi;
if (fi==NULL)
printf("Sorry can not convert to txt->ps"
But it's not working for gs(ghostscript) then I wrote:
#define CONVERT_GIF "/usr/local/bin/gs -q -r200 -sDEVICE=gif8 -sOutputFile=image.gif -dNOPAUSE image.ps quit.ps"
if (fi==NULL)
printf("Sorry can not convert to txt->ps"
Do you know what is the problem here???
Thanks in advance
P.S.: I tried to install Netpbm package on my account but unsuccessfully, it told me that there is a syntax problem in the makefile. I need to install only one util on this server and it's ppmtogif, is there a way to install only this one separately, if you have it please send me one for Unix, on Linux I have this binary file but it doesn't suit to Unix.
10 0.155
11 0.142
12 0.116
Now I want to build graph from this file.
I have gnuplot script which makes txttops convertion, it works fine from the command line but not from CGI script: I wrote in the script - system("gnuplot image.gnu" it's not working even if I give the full path to gnuplot(why?)
image.gnu some example use of popen for this cause(if I understood it right, and I doubt) and tried it and it's worked for gnuplot, see below:
#define CONVERT_PS "/usr/local/bin/gnuplot image.gnu"
FILE *fi;
if (fi==NULL)
printf("Sorry can not convert to txt->ps"
But it's not working for gs(ghostscript) then I wrote:
#define CONVERT_GIF "/usr/local/bin/gs -q -r200 -sDEVICE=gif8 -sOutputFile=image.gif -dNOPAUSE image.ps quit.ps"
if (fi==NULL)
printf("Sorry can not convert to txt->ps"
Do you know what is the problem here???
Thanks in advance
P.S.: I tried to install Netpbm package on my account but unsuccessfully, it told me that there is a syntax problem in the makefile. I need to install only one util on this server and it's ppmtogif, is there a way to install only this one separately, if you have it please send me one for Unix, on Linux I have this binary file but it doesn't suit to Unix.