I looked via the Keyword Search and found no postings so here goes. I hope that this question has not been answered 1000 times already.
Due to a "meltdown" of my former CRT monitor I had to replace it and I did so with a new LCD monitor.
Prior to the CRT "meltdown" both my Paint Shop Pro 7 and my Adobe Photoshop 7.0 displayed images on screen showing relatively the same colors within the image.
Now, after the installation of the new Innovision LT565 LCD monitor, the Paint Shop Pro seems to continue displaying images with the correct colors, but my PhotoShop 7.0 displays the colors all wrong.
No Color Setting changes were made within PhotoShop and none changed within Paint Shop Pro.
In my PhotoShop, what used to be a dark blue is now a bright magenta, etc.
One more piece of info - In PhotoShop, when I do a Save for Web, the display within the Save screen appears with roughly the correct colors.
Last piece of info - another user suggested changing the PhotoShop Color Settings... Nothing tried (including Web Graphics Settings) seemed to work.
It is not reassuring to use PhotoShop to insert color text into an image on screen and expect one color and see something radically different.
How do I get the PhotoShop to display on screen correct colors? Colors common with its own Save for Web display screen and common with Paint Shop Pro.
Your suggestions and/or advice will be greatly appreciated.
Due to a "meltdown" of my former CRT monitor I had to replace it and I did so with a new LCD monitor.
Prior to the CRT "meltdown" both my Paint Shop Pro 7 and my Adobe Photoshop 7.0 displayed images on screen showing relatively the same colors within the image.
Now, after the installation of the new Innovision LT565 LCD monitor, the Paint Shop Pro seems to continue displaying images with the correct colors, but my PhotoShop 7.0 displays the colors all wrong.
No Color Setting changes were made within PhotoShop and none changed within Paint Shop Pro.
In my PhotoShop, what used to be a dark blue is now a bright magenta, etc.
One more piece of info - In PhotoShop, when I do a Save for Web, the display within the Save screen appears with roughly the correct colors.
Last piece of info - another user suggested changing the PhotoShop Color Settings... Nothing tried (including Web Graphics Settings) seemed to work.
It is not reassuring to use PhotoShop to insert color text into an image on screen and expect one color and see something radically different.
How do I get the PhotoShop to display on screen correct colors? Colors common with its own Save for Web display screen and common with Paint Shop Pro.
Your suggestions and/or advice will be greatly appreciated.