From your question it looks like your are using SAS on a windows machine. Is this correct? You could use the older SAS\ACCESS proc that may speed it up. You should also check with SAS 919-677-8008 for the best way to access you data. The mainframe could be slow in returning the information.
If you have the new (v 8.2 and up) ODBC sas engine, you could use the libname statement like this:
LIBNAME _temp ODBC dsn="your_dsn_file";
This only works on Window machines! If you know the data and its format you could write a 'view' (on the mainframe side like a SQL query) and access that view. This method may speed your data mining process.
Another method that probably will not suit you is to load the data into a SAS dataset on the mainframe. SAS can read datasets across platforms.
If you could please explain a little more about the problem you have. Perhaps someone here can address it.
Hi Klaz2002, I'm using SAS v8.2 on a windows XP based machine. We currently have no odbc driver set up to connect to the dbsII database and I am told by our IT dept this is quite complex and will ultimately be quite slow.
I don't understand what you mean by SAS 919-677-8008???
I've been told we can't load data in to a SAS dataset on the mainframe.
Are there any other metohds for accessing the data. I'm afraid this was all set up for me with my old company so I'm not that familiar with the whole downloading proceass. other than odbc was the method we used in my last place of work
I will assume you are running PC SAS and the data needs to come back to you PC.
Does the mainframe have SAS installed? Can you remote connect to it? If so then track down a mainframe SAS program that connects to the database and retrieves data using a pass thru query. Remote connect to the mainframe from your PC, rsubmit a similar block of code to return the results of a query, then use proc download to download the resulting SAS dataset.
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