I`m working on downloading map from map server.
When I download one map, everything runs ok. But I have to download 20 small maps and join them together to
get big one. The first should be downloaded and saved as mapycz00, then second map should be downloadedand
saved as mapycz01, third map should be downloaded and saved as mapycz03 and so on...
To do this, I`ve got cycle in which I call procedure to download file.
But this doesn`t work. It works like that, it downloads one map and saves it as mapycz00, mapycz01
and mapycz02, then it downloads another map and saves it as mapycz03, mapycz04 and that is all.
Here is part of the code:
/* *****************************************************************************
main_function (GtkWidget * widget, guint datum)
/* which map in order is going to be downloaded? */
mapyczcount = 0;
int j;
for (j = 0; j <= 19; j++)
while (gtk_events_pending ())
gtk_main_iteration ();
downloadstart_cb(widget, datum, writebuff);
/* writebuff is char array, contents all info for server and seems to work ok */
downloadstart_cb (GtkWidget * widget, guint datum, gchar writebuff3[2000])
struct sockaddr_in server;
struct hostent *server_data;
gchar str[100], sn[1000];
downloadfilelen = 0;
downloadactive = TRUE;
while (gtk_events_pending ())
gtk_main_iteration ();
/* open socket to port80 */
if ((dlsock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
perror (_("can't open socket for port 80"));
return (FALSE);
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
/* We retrieve the IP address of the server from its name: */
if (haveproxy)
g_strlcpy (sn, proxy, sizeof (sn));
g_strlcpy (sn, WEBSERVER, sizeof (sn));
if ((server_data = gethostbyname (sn)) == NULL)
perror (_("Can't resolve webserver address"));
memcpy (&server.sin_addr, server_data->h_addr, server_data->h_length);
server.sin_port = htons (proxyport);
/* We initiate the connection */
if (connect (dlsock, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof server) < 0)
perror (_("unable to connect to Website"));
write (dlsock, writebuff3, strlen (writebuff3));
printf ("dlsock: %d, writebuff3: %s\n", dlsock, writebuff3);
dlbuff = g_new0 (gchar, 8192);
dlpstart = NULL;
dldiff = dlcount = 0;
g_snprintf (str, sizeof (str), _("Now connected to %s"),
gtk_timeout_add (100, (GtkFunction) downloadslave_cb, widget);
return TRUE;
downloadslave_cb (GtkWidget * widget, guint datum)
if (!downloadwindowactive ))
return FALSE;
FD_ZERO (&readmask);
FD_SET (dlsock, &readmask);
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = 100000;
if (select (FD_SETSIZE, &readmask, NULL, NULL, &timeout) < 0)
perror ("select() call");
if (FD_ISSET (dlsock, &readmask))
memset (tmpbuff, 0, 8192);
if ((e = read (dlsock, tmpbuff, 8000)) < 0)
perror (_("read from Webserver"));
if (e > 0)
/* in dlbuff we have all download data */
memcpy ((dlbuff + dlcount), tmpbuff, e);
/* in dlcount we have the number of download bytes */
dlcount += e;
/* now we try to get the filelength and begin of the gif image data */
if (dlpstart == NULL)
/* CONTENT-LENGTH string should hopefully be in the first 4kB */
memcpy (tmpbuff, dlbuff, 4096);
/* We make of this a null terminated string */
tmpbuff[4096] = 0;
g_strup (tmpbuff);
p = strstr (tmpbuff, "CONTENT-LENGTH:");
if (p != NULL)
sscanf (p, "%s %d", str,
/* now we look for 2 cr/lf which is the end of the header */
dlpstart = strstr (tmpbuff, nn);
dldiff = dlpstart - tmpbuff + 4;
else if (dlcount > 1000)
/* Seems there is no CONTENT-LENGTH field */
dlpstart = strstr (tmpbuff, nn);
dldiff = dlpstart - tmpbuff + 4;
downloadfilelen = 200000;
/* Now we have the length and begin of the gif image data */
if ((downloadfilelen != 0) && (dlpstart != NULL))
dlbuff = g_renew (gchar, dlbuff,
dlcount + 8192);
g_snprintf (str, sizeof (str),
_("Downloaded %d kBytes"),
(dlcount - dldiff) / 1024);
while (gtk_events_pending ())
gtk_main_iteration ();
if ((e == 0) || ((downloadfilelen + dldiff) == dlcount))
if (downloadfilelen == 0)
g_snprintf (str, sizeof (str),
_("Download FAILED!"));
g_snprintf (str, sizeof (str),
_("Download finished, got %dkB"),
dlcount / 1024);
close (dlsock);
if (downloadfilelen != 0)
// save downloaded picture
s = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (dltext));
if (local_config.dir_home[strlen (local_config.dir_home) - 1] != '/')
g_strlcat (local_config.dir_home, "/",
sizeof (local_config.dir_home));
g_strlcpy (downloadfilename, local_config.dir_home,
sizeof (downloadfilename));
g_snprintf (s2, sizeof (s2),
_("mapycz%d"), mapyczcount);
g_strlcat (downloadfilename, s2,
sizeof (downloadfilename));
fd = open (downloadfilename,
O_RDWR | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0644);
write (fd, dlbuff + dldiff, dlcount - dldiff);
close (fd);
if (mapyczcount == 19)
// save info about big picture
g_strlcpy (downloadfilename, local_config.dir_home,
sizeof (downloadfilename));
g_strlcat (downloadfilename, s,
sizeof (downloadfilename));
// now join 20 small pictures together and make big one and save it
// ...
downloadwindowactive = FALSE;
gtk_widget_destroy (downloadwindow);
gtk_timeout_add (3000, (GtkFunction) dlstatusaway_cb, widget);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
Where the problem could be? I`m quit desperate.
Thanks in advance.
I`m working on downloading map from map server.
When I download one map, everything runs ok. But I have to download 20 small maps and join them together to
get big one. The first should be downloaded and saved as mapycz00, then second map should be downloadedand
saved as mapycz01, third map should be downloaded and saved as mapycz03 and so on...
To do this, I`ve got cycle in which I call procedure to download file.
But this doesn`t work. It works like that, it downloads one map and saves it as mapycz00, mapycz01
and mapycz02, then it downloads another map and saves it as mapycz03, mapycz04 and that is all.
Here is part of the code:
/* *****************************************************************************
main_function (GtkWidget * widget, guint datum)
/* which map in order is going to be downloaded? */
mapyczcount = 0;
int j;
for (j = 0; j <= 19; j++)
while (gtk_events_pending ())
gtk_main_iteration ();
downloadstart_cb(widget, datum, writebuff);
/* writebuff is char array, contents all info for server and seems to work ok */
downloadstart_cb (GtkWidget * widget, guint datum, gchar writebuff3[2000])
struct sockaddr_in server;
struct hostent *server_data;
gchar str[100], sn[1000];
downloadfilelen = 0;
downloadactive = TRUE;
while (gtk_events_pending ())
gtk_main_iteration ();
/* open socket to port80 */
if ((dlsock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
perror (_("can't open socket for port 80"));
return (FALSE);
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
/* We retrieve the IP address of the server from its name: */
if (haveproxy)
g_strlcpy (sn, proxy, sizeof (sn));
g_strlcpy (sn, WEBSERVER, sizeof (sn));
if ((server_data = gethostbyname (sn)) == NULL)
perror (_("Can't resolve webserver address"));
memcpy (&server.sin_addr, server_data->h_addr, server_data->h_length);
server.sin_port = htons (proxyport);
/* We initiate the connection */
if (connect (dlsock, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof server) < 0)
perror (_("unable to connect to Website"));
write (dlsock, writebuff3, strlen (writebuff3));
printf ("dlsock: %d, writebuff3: %s\n", dlsock, writebuff3);
dlbuff = g_new0 (gchar, 8192);
dlpstart = NULL;
dldiff = dlcount = 0;
g_snprintf (str, sizeof (str), _("Now connected to %s"),
gtk_timeout_add (100, (GtkFunction) downloadslave_cb, widget);
return TRUE;
downloadslave_cb (GtkWidget * widget, guint datum)
if (!downloadwindowactive ))
return FALSE;
FD_ZERO (&readmask);
FD_SET (dlsock, &readmask);
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = 100000;
if (select (FD_SETSIZE, &readmask, NULL, NULL, &timeout) < 0)
perror ("select() call");
if (FD_ISSET (dlsock, &readmask))
memset (tmpbuff, 0, 8192);
if ((e = read (dlsock, tmpbuff, 8000)) < 0)
perror (_("read from Webserver"));
if (e > 0)
/* in dlbuff we have all download data */
memcpy ((dlbuff + dlcount), tmpbuff, e);
/* in dlcount we have the number of download bytes */
dlcount += e;
/* now we try to get the filelength and begin of the gif image data */
if (dlpstart == NULL)
/* CONTENT-LENGTH string should hopefully be in the first 4kB */
memcpy (tmpbuff, dlbuff, 4096);
/* We make of this a null terminated string */
tmpbuff[4096] = 0;
g_strup (tmpbuff);
p = strstr (tmpbuff, "CONTENT-LENGTH:");
if (p != NULL)
sscanf (p, "%s %d", str,
/* now we look for 2 cr/lf which is the end of the header */
dlpstart = strstr (tmpbuff, nn);
dldiff = dlpstart - tmpbuff + 4;
else if (dlcount > 1000)
/* Seems there is no CONTENT-LENGTH field */
dlpstart = strstr (tmpbuff, nn);
dldiff = dlpstart - tmpbuff + 4;
downloadfilelen = 200000;
/* Now we have the length and begin of the gif image data */
if ((downloadfilelen != 0) && (dlpstart != NULL))
dlbuff = g_renew (gchar, dlbuff,
dlcount + 8192);
g_snprintf (str, sizeof (str),
_("Downloaded %d kBytes"),
(dlcount - dldiff) / 1024);
while (gtk_events_pending ())
gtk_main_iteration ();
if ((e == 0) || ((downloadfilelen + dldiff) == dlcount))
if (downloadfilelen == 0)
g_snprintf (str, sizeof (str),
_("Download FAILED!"));
g_snprintf (str, sizeof (str),
_("Download finished, got %dkB"),
dlcount / 1024);
close (dlsock);
if (downloadfilelen != 0)
// save downloaded picture
s = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (dltext));
if (local_config.dir_home[strlen (local_config.dir_home) - 1] != '/')
g_strlcat (local_config.dir_home, "/",
sizeof (local_config.dir_home));
g_strlcpy (downloadfilename, local_config.dir_home,
sizeof (downloadfilename));
g_snprintf (s2, sizeof (s2),
_("mapycz%d"), mapyczcount);
g_strlcat (downloadfilename, s2,
sizeof (downloadfilename));
fd = open (downloadfilename,
O_RDWR | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0644);
write (fd, dlbuff + dldiff, dlcount - dldiff);
close (fd);
if (mapyczcount == 19)
// save info about big picture
g_strlcpy (downloadfilename, local_config.dir_home,
sizeof (downloadfilename));
g_strlcat (downloadfilename, s,
sizeof (downloadfilename));
// now join 20 small pictures together and make big one and save it
// ...
downloadwindowactive = FALSE;
gtk_widget_destroy (downloadwindow);
gtk_timeout_add (3000, (GtkFunction) dlstatusaway_cb, widget);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
Where the problem could be? I`m quit desperate.
Thanks in advance.