I'm sending the url string (at bottom) to a credit card processor. Using the code below it (the card processor) is processing two complete transactions for the same amount and issues me two seperate emails confirming both transactions and both have a different transactionID number assigned.
If I just cut and paste the string into an open browser it works like magic.
I'm using an XML reader and namespacemanager to parse throught the response data which is all correct. I just cant figure out why I'm getting charged for two or the same transaction. Could it be that Im asking for a request and response?
I'm sending the url string (at bottom) to a credit card processor. Using the code below it (the card processor) is processing two complete transactions for the same amount and issues me two seperate emails confirming both transactions and both have a different transactionID number assigned.
If I just cut and paste the string into an open browser it works like magic.
I'm using an XML reader and namespacemanager to parse throught the response data which is all correct. I just cant figure out why I'm getting charged for two or the same transaction. Could it be that Im asking for a request and response?
Dim objRequest As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(urlstr), HttpWebRequest)
objRequest.Proxy = Nothing
objRequest.ServicePoint.ConnectionLimit = 4
objRequest.Timeout = 15000
Dim objResponse As HttpWebResponse = CType(objRequest.GetResponse, HttpWebResponse)
[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.myPROCESSOR.com/processxml.do?xmldata=<txn><ssl_merchant_ID>MYACCOUNT</ssl_merchant_ID><ssl_user_id>MYUID</ssl_user_id><ssl_pin>MYPIN</ssl_pin><ssl_transaction_type>ccsale</ssl_transaction_type><ssl_card_number>376741181141008</ssl_card_number><ssl_exp_date>0313</ssl_exp_date><ssl_salestax>0.00</ssl_salestax><ssl_cvv2cvc2_indicator>1</ssl_cvv2cvc2_indicator><ssl_cvv2cvc2>6805</ssl_cvv2cvc2><ssl_invoice_number>2010052500004</ssl_invoice_number><ssl_customer_code>556</ssl_customer_code><ssl_first_name>larry</ssl_first_name><ssl_last_name>may</ssl_last_name><ssl_avs_address>3517[/URL] neal dr</ssl_avs_address><ssl_address2></ssl_address2><ssl_city>knoxville</ssl_city><ssl_state>TN</ssl_state><ssl_avs_zip>37918</ssl_avs_zip><ssl_phone>8659227491</ssl_phone><ssl_email>dashley@shipfms.com</ssl_email><ssl_test_mode>FALSE</ssl_test_mode><ssl_amount>1.44</ssl_amount></txn>