I need to produce a table which searches for the sum of the products ordered from all orders. So a 'sum as' and 'group by' handles that very nicely, except that part of the output needs to be a description of the product. So what you say, well the description is a memo data type and Access does not allow memo data types to be included in an aggregate function. <br>SO don't include it, well in order for an aggregate function to function all of the members of the select statement must be included in the group by clause.<br><br>CF does not allow for nested cfoutputs that are assigned to cfqueries and if they are not assigned to the query in the header they inly produce one row of output.<br><br>Double tables - one for each cfquery/output has proven to be a nightmare to try and line up.<br><br>An additional probelem caused by the 'memo' data type is the fact that you cannot use the Distinct keyword on it and if I dont' I'll get 1 description from each time a prduct appears on an order and I just want one description to match with the product count.<br>