Here is the situation,
I have created a treeview which contains terms from the TERMES table.
Its fields are : ID_TERME which is the identifier of each term and Lib_TERME which contains the label of each term.
These terms are organised hierarchically.
To see the relations generic(parent)/specific(child), i have created the GENERIQUES tables which fields are
ID_TG(autoincrementednumber) which is the identifier of this table, ID_TERME_SOURCE_G, which contain the number of each child term and ID_TERME_GENERIQUE which contain the number of each parent term.
The number which are in the two fields ID_TERME_SOURCE_G and ID_TERME_GENERIQUE correspond to an ID_TERME from the TERMES table( these are two values of ID_TERME).
The MICROTHESAURUS table contains these tree fields : ID_MT(autoincremented number), ID_TERME_SOURCE which correspond to an ID_TERME of the TERMES Table and ID_MICRO_THESAURUS which is the number of the microthesaurus( semantic field) this term belongs to.
[blue]Now there is a case where a user wants to insert a same term to two different places in the treeview.[/blue]
In fact, i have understood we need to insert in the MICROTHESAURUS table this new term( which already belongs to the TERMES table)
[red]But we need also to insert into this table ALL ITS CHILDS!!![/red]
Could you help me to create the sql request to insert all the child of the new terme which ID_TERME is already in the TERMES table.
For example , if in the table TERMES i have this
12 velo
13 bicyclette
14 moto
15 cycles
If in the GENERIQUES table i have this
15 0( 0 means there is no parent term, so it is the root)
14 15
12 15
13 15
In the MICROTHESAURUS table i have this
15 3
14 3
12 3
13 3
If a user wants to insert twice the term'CYCLES' in the microthesaurus which number is 4, so i need to see this in the MICROTHESAURUS table
15 4
14 4
13 4
12 4
Which sql request do i need to write to see inserted the term which ID_TERME = 15 [red]BUT ALSO ALL ITS CHILDS !!![/red]
Thanks a lot for your help.
Best regards.
Here is the situation,
I have created a treeview which contains terms from the TERMES table.
Its fields are : ID_TERME which is the identifier of each term and Lib_TERME which contains the label of each term.
These terms are organised hierarchically.
To see the relations generic(parent)/specific(child), i have created the GENERIQUES tables which fields are
ID_TG(autoincrementednumber) which is the identifier of this table, ID_TERME_SOURCE_G, which contain the number of each child term and ID_TERME_GENERIQUE which contain the number of each parent term.
The number which are in the two fields ID_TERME_SOURCE_G and ID_TERME_GENERIQUE correspond to an ID_TERME from the TERMES table( these are two values of ID_TERME).
The MICROTHESAURUS table contains these tree fields : ID_MT(autoincremented number), ID_TERME_SOURCE which correspond to an ID_TERME of the TERMES Table and ID_MICRO_THESAURUS which is the number of the microthesaurus( semantic field) this term belongs to.
[blue]Now there is a case where a user wants to insert a same term to two different places in the treeview.[/blue]
In fact, i have understood we need to insert in the MICROTHESAURUS table this new term( which already belongs to the TERMES table)
[red]But we need also to insert into this table ALL ITS CHILDS!!![/red]
Could you help me to create the sql request to insert all the child of the new terme which ID_TERME is already in the TERMES table.
For example , if in the table TERMES i have this
12 velo
13 bicyclette
14 moto
15 cycles
If in the GENERIQUES table i have this
15 0( 0 means there is no parent term, so it is the root)
14 15
12 15
13 15
In the MICROTHESAURUS table i have this
15 3
14 3
12 3
13 3
If a user wants to insert twice the term'CYCLES' in the microthesaurus which number is 4, so i need to see this in the MICROTHESAURUS table
15 4
14 4
13 4
12 4
Which sql request do i need to write to see inserted the term which ID_TERME = 15 [red]BUT ALSO ALL ITS CHILDS !!![/red]
Thanks a lot for your help.
Best regards.