Mar 25, 2011 #1 morenot Technical User May 8, 2007 499 MX Hi: How I do to have this: Set A call forward No Answer to Set B Set B call forward to VM(SET B) When call to Set A, if no answer the call goes to set B, if set B No answer I want what caller goes to set B voicemail Set A no mailbox. JLMT//
Hi: How I do to have this: Set A call forward No Answer to Set B Set B call forward to VM(SET B) When call to Set A, if no answer the call goes to set B, if set B No answer I want what caller goes to set B voicemail Set A no mailbox. JLMT//
Mar 26, 2011 1 #2 ECartman Vendor Jan 22, 2011 260 IE If set A has no mailbox, add set A as an alternate DN in set B mailbox Upvote 0 Downvote
Mar 28, 2011 Thread starter #3 morenot Technical User May 8, 2007 499 MX Thanks ECartman works fine!! Saludos.... JLMT// Upvote 0 Downvote