Has anyone used this delimiter option with the ENTRY and NUM-ENTRIES commands?
I thought I had tested this feature using a double byte delimeter at some point but when I tried to use it in this fashion today it is not working the way I recollect.
chDelim = ":;".
chReadStr = "abc:;123:;;x;:y:z::;a1b"
DO inI = 1 TO Num-Entries(chReadStr, chDelim):
DISPLAY inI Entry(inI, chReadStr, chDelim).
For this to work properly it should return:
1 abc
2 123
3 ;x;:y:z:
4 a1b
Rereading the manual it leads me to believe Progress is talking about UNICODE vs ASCII delimiters where UNICODE is actually one character which is 2 bytes long ... so as I am working with an ASCII string I am guessing Progress probably is not going to allow using a UNICODE delimiter?
I thought I had tested this feature using a double byte delimeter at some point but when I tried to use it in this fashion today it is not working the way I recollect.
chDelim = ":;".
chReadStr = "abc:;123:;;x;:y:z::;a1b"
DO inI = 1 TO Num-Entries(chReadStr, chDelim):
DISPLAY inI Entry(inI, chReadStr, chDelim).
For this to work properly it should return:
1 abc
2 123
3 ;x;:y:z:
4 a1b
Rereading the manual it leads me to believe Progress is talking about UNICODE vs ASCII delimiters where UNICODE is actually one character which is 2 bytes long ... so as I am working with an ASCII string I am guessing Progress probably is not going to allow using a UNICODE delimiter?