I have read / seen numerous rererences to ths (hidden) method and it's compliment. I have tried a couple of the more straight forward implementations. Alas Alack and Awry no joy in mudville. The specifc Procedure:
Returns an error "cannot open " & *** & file where the file name is the name of hte first object (always a FORM) in the numerous variations of the path. Some seem to have success with this, whilst others complain. Does anybody have any insight as to WHY the file name cannot be opened / created / accessed? I'm running Ms. A. ver 2k3 on XP Home from this location, if any of that matters.
Public Function SaveAllAsText(sPath)
Dim vObject As Object
Dim Idx As Integer
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb
For Each vObject In dbs.Containers("Forms").Documents
Application.SaveAsText acForm, vObject.name, sPath & "\" & vObject.name & ".xcf."
For Each vObject In dbs.Containers("Reports").Documents
Application.SaveAsText acReport, vObject.name, sPath & "\" & vObject.name & ".xcr"
For Each vObject In dbs.Containers("Modules").Documents
Application.SaveAsText acModule, vObject.name, sPath & "\" & vObject.name & ".xcm"
For Each vObject In dbs.Containers("Scripts").Documents
Application.SaveAsText acMacro, vObject.name, sPath & "\" & vObject.name & ".xcs"
For Idx = 0 To dbs.QueryDefs.Count - 1
If Left(dbs.QueryDefs(Idx).name, 4) <> "~sq_" Then
Application.SaveAsText acQuery, dbs.QueryDefs(Idx).name, _
sPath & "\" & dbs.QueryDefs(Idx).name & ".xcq"
End If
Next Idx
Debug.Print "All done"
End Function
Returns an error "cannot open " & *** & file where the file name is the name of hte first object (always a FORM) in the numerous variations of the path. Some seem to have success with this, whilst others complain. Does anybody have any insight as to WHY the file name cannot be opened / created / accessed? I'm running Ms. A. ver 2k3 on XP Home from this location, if any of that matters.