The reason why am asking is I am trying to compile a program and I am getting this error(i thought it might be a bad dos.h file):
Error: Unresolved external 'biosdisk(int, char, int, int, int, int, void *)' referenced from C:\STUFF\ABC\COPYBOOT.OBJ
this is the code
int main(int argc,char* argv[])
{ if(argc>1)
{ FILE *fin = fopen(argv[1],"rb"
{ /* Buffer which stores the data */
char buffer[512];
/* Read 512 bytes into the buffer */
/* Write the 512 bytes */
return 1;
printf("\ncopyboot.exe <filename>"
return 0;
whats wrong with this...
and one more question. I need something called TASM to compile a .ASM file. What is this and where can I get it
thanks in advance
TASM is a Turbo Assembler. And it seems that you are writting in some sort of Turbo C because there is no bios.h in Borland C++ builder. And, maybe i am wrong, but your program is supposed to be run from DOS because Windows won't let you to work with BIOS directly. Anyways, TASM and DOS.H were sent to you to the specified e-mail.
Hope that helps.
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