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Dos ftp client through proxy server

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Jan 31, 2003
I have been using the Windows dos ftp client program to send a file out everynight with Vbscript. We have just added a proxy server to our network for security (SQUID proxy server with a Login and Password using the port 3128 ).Can the dos ftp client program on windows be setup to use a proxy server? If not is there a command line ftp client program for windows that can or can we change this function FTPupload to do this ?

Thanks You for your Reply
Function FTPUpload(sSite, sUsername, sPassword, sLocalFile, sRemotePath)
  'This script is provided under the Creative Commons license located
  'at [URL unfurl="true"]http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/[/URL] . It may not
  'be used for commercial purposes with out the expressed written consent
  'of NateRice.com
  Const OpenAsDefault = -2
  Const FailIfNotExist = 0
  Const ForReading = 1
  Const ForWriting = 2
  Set oFTPScriptFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set oFTPScriptShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  sRemotePath = Trim(sRemotePath)
  sLocalFile = Trim(sLocalFile)
  '----------Path Checks---------
  'Here we willcheck the path, if it contains
  'spaces then we need to add quotes to ensure
  'it parses correctly.
  If InStr(sRemotePath, " ") > 0 Then
    If Left(sRemotePath, 1) <> """" And Right(sRemotePath, 1) <> """" Then
      sRemotePath = """" & sRemotePath & """"
    End If
  End If
  If InStr(sLocalFile, " ") > 0 Then
    If Left(sLocalFile, 1) <> """" And Right(sLocalFile, 1) <> """" Then
      sLocalFile = """" & sLocalFile & """"
    End If
  End If
  'Check to ensure that a remote path was
  'passed. If it's blank then pass a "\"
  If Len(sRemotePath) = 0 Then
    'Please note that no premptive checking of the
    'remote path is done. If it does not exist for some
    'reason. Unexpected results may occur.
    sRemotePath = "\"
  End If
  'Check the local path and file to ensure
  'that either the a file that exists was
  'passed or a wildcard was passed.
  If InStr(sLocalFile, "*") Then
    If InStr(sLocalFile, " ") Then
      FTPUpload = "Error: Wildcard uploads do not work if the path contains a " & _
      "space." & vbCRLF
      FTPUpload = FTPUpload & "This is a limitation of the Microsoft FTP client."
      Exit Function
    End If
  ElseIf Len(sLocalFile) = 0 Or Not oFTPScriptFSO.FileExists(sLocalFile) Then
    'nothing to upload
    FTPUpload = "Error: File Not Found."
    Exit Function
  End If
  '--------END Path Checks---------
  'build input file for ftp command
  sFTPScript = sFTPScript & "USER " & sUsername & vbCRLF
  sFTPScript = sFTPScript & sPassword & vbCRLF
  sFTPScript = sFTPScript & "cd " & sRemotePath & vbCRLF
  sFTPScript = sFTPScript & "binary" & vbCRLF
  sFTPScript = sFTPScript & "prompt n" & vbCRLF
  sFTPScript = sFTPScript & "put " & sLocalFile & vbCRLF
  sFTPScript = sFTPScript & "quit" & vbCRLF & "quit" & vbCRLF & "quit" & vbCRLF
  sFTPTemp = oFTPScriptShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%")
  sFTPTempFile = sFTPTemp & "\" & oFTPScriptFSO.GetTempName
  sFTPResults = sFTPTemp & "\" & oFTPScriptFSO.GetTempName
  'Write the input file for the ftp command
  'to a temporary file.
  Set fFTPScript = oFTPScriptFSO.CreateTextFile(sFTPTempFile, True)
  Set fFTPScript = Nothing 
  oFTPScriptShell.Run "%comspec% /c FTP -n -s:" & sFTPTempFile & " " & sSite & _
  " > " & sFTPResults, 0, TRUE
  Wscript.Sleep 1000
  'Check results of transfer.
  Set fFTPResults = oFTPScriptFSO.OpenTextFile(sFTPResults, ForReading, _
  FailIfNotExist, OpenAsDefault)
  sResults = fFTPResults.ReadAll
  oFTPScriptFSO.DeleteFile (sFTPResults)
  If InStr(sResults, "226 Transfer complete.") > 0 Then
    FTPUpload = True
  ElseIf InStr(sResults, "File not found") > 0 Then
    FTPUpload = "Error: File Not Found"
  ElseIf InStr(sResults, "cannot log in.") > 0 Then
    FTPUpload = "Error: Login Failed."
    FTPUpload = "Error: Unknown."
  End If
  Set oFTPScriptFSO = Nothing
  Set oFTPScriptShell = Nothing
End Function
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