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Dos Cmd "Edit" for W7 64bit

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Feb 24, 2004
Does such an animal exist???

Have a client how uses edit to change a file before sending it on --- apparantly, if notepad is used, then the file is seen to have been edited and is rejected !!!!

Have tried DOSBOX, but that doesn't seem to have it either.


<Do I need A Signature or will an X do?>
No, the 16-bit utilities are not included because there is no way to run them in a 64-bit OS (except by running a 32 or 16-bit OS in a VM).

NotePad edits result in the file's Modified timestamp being updated, but not its Created or Accessed timestamps. Accessed may be updated if the option is turned on for the NTFS volume, but it is off by default.

My testing shows that Edit.com edits will update Modified and Accessed on an NTFS volume no matter what the setting is. Either that's an artifact of the WOW subsystem or Edit.com forces the update.

Aside from this difference I don't see how another program would have any clue which text editor had been used.
I meant to mention that editing with Edit.com did not modify the Created timestamp.
>I don't see how another program would have any clue which text editor had been used

Maybe due to the encoding? When you save a file in Notepad there's an 'Encoding' drop-down in the save dialog which defaults to ANSI, no matter what it was encoded as when you opened it. At least I think it does!

Line endings could be another way of detecting changes - I believe Notepad uses the standard Windows CR/LF (carriage return + line feed) to end lines whereas a UNIX text editor would use just LF. No idea what DOS edit uses.

If that's the problem, he could use Notepad2 or Notepad++.


It's a wages file that is sent to the bank on-line --- somewhere their security can detect of the file has been "Tampered" with (which includes being opening and amended in word / notepad)
It's to stop unauthorised people changing salary amounts, but this is the financial director who uses it to change payment dates !!!!!!

<Do I need A Signature or will an X do?>
Yoinks, if you can edit it with notepad that implies it's unencrypted ... although that's not the scariest part of this scenario: the bank's software detects tampering but the FD has found a way of tampering without the software noticing it.

I'm not sure whether that's a minefield, a can of worms, or both. Maybe a field of worm-mines. In cans.

properties plus can alter modified, created, accessed etc etc

Nelviticus & strongm Quite :)

<Do I need A Signature or will an X do?>
Usually there's some checksum on the amount and bankaccountnrs so they can't be tampered with, but the dates could also be a bit problematic, if they wouldn't have to be within a certain time-period.

Go back to the customer, and tell them to enter the data correcly in the app producing that bank-transfer file. (as in period.)
TonHu My view to the guy I'm doing the consultancy for. ....... But it would still be nice to find a solution if it's valid ...... I'm with the Fin Dir 2moro & will bring it up TVM.

<Do I need A Signature or will an X do?>
@RCorrigan Have you found what is not changed by Edit, that does get changed by other editors?
TonHu Not yet ... am now on site 2moro not 2day !!!!

<Do I need A Signature or will an X do?>
Well if the file gets uploaded to somewhere that rejects it we can rule out the local timestamps on the hard drive.

Maybe something about the treatment of line-ends, or a final Ctrl-Z or something? Or maybe Tab characters vs. tab-expansion?
Perhaps it's the addition of a BOM? :

Wikipedia said:
Many Windows programs (including Windows Notepad) add BOMs to UTF-8 files by default.

If not that, have you tried disabling the 'last accessed' timestamp? :

If it turns out to be a timestamp rather than the BOM, you could look at changing it with one of the many bits of software available:

Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

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>Windows Notepad) add BOMs to UTF-8 files by default

True - it does have a nasty habit of sticking a BOM in if it thinks it has recognised a file as UTF-8. A solution to this would be to Save As, and ensure that ANSI encoding is selected. Or perhaps Wordpad, using Plain Text mode.

>a timestamp

As dilettante said, if this file is being uploaded ...
OP said:
before sending it on ... sent to the bank on-line
... then it shouldn't be any of the timestamps (unless, of course, the transfer program is some sort of custom tool provided by the bank, which itself checks or transfers those attributes)
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